Funny mug shot from APD

2nd from the bottom. Dude looks wicked excited

There’s a bunch of good ones in there… :slight_smile:

Let’s play a game called “WOWWS”

Aka “which one would Wayne smash”?


…with commentary, of course!

I’m gonna say Richard Wild for WOWWS

LOL yeah Herrol Sanders is way too happy with his DWI.

Theres a couple cool ones in here…

#4 and 5 look familiar? LOL

Ohh noessss


Yeah, it’s awesome they put it on facebook. Be even better if they could find a way to tag anyone that has an account.

I’ve seen a few people I went to high school with pop up on there


Dick Wild looking like hes ready to fuck someones day up.

  1. Sell Volkswagen.
  2. Make bail

WILLINGHAM, Marcus, J pic is saying: “That cracka ass bitch above me… shit burns every time I pee now… DAYUMMM”


I’m not sure who they are, anyone care to fill a brotha in?

Alpine’s brother and a kid who likes to harass laduke

Can you point me to this facebook link? Id like to check it out thanks!

#1 just got done snorting the evidence.

Just search “Albany police department” on facebook

Loaded firearm guy is fucked.

Yess thanks found a kid i went to school with Who just got an ass load of charges lmao, Will be showing photo to other friends hahahaha!!!