Funny pic of squirrels fighting

Actually a pretty damn good pic!!

where do you people find this shit?


What do you mean…YOU people?? :lol

Found it on another forum Im on

is it actually a real pic? or photoshop??

Seems photoshopped to me

Its real. A photographer on another forum took the pics with a camera on burst.

Looks PS’ed, but its not

Thats a Priceless shot

Obviously the male squirrel is upset in the female squirrels sammich-making capabilities.

you got me rollin…bwahahahahahahaha

Shits fake

fuck that, lets see more of tits magee in your sig!!

and i dont mean crazy mr biggums

There’s squirrels fighting in this thread?

Adam’s on several Squirrel fighting forums.

you guys have never seen African fighting squirrels before?


Im the Mike Vic of the underground squirrel fighting world yo!