Funny story I just remembered..

I dont know what made me think of this but I wanted to post it when it happened.

I was taking my Supra over to a friends house in colonie, there was a bunch of traffic due to the road work being done on central ave. I look in my rear view, cop drives like a quarter mile in the median lane and stops next to my car. I’m used to being worried about equipment violations so I usually expect to pay something.

Cop: HEY!
Me: What’s up?
Cop: Why the hell is the roof still on that thing, take it off!
Me: … good question.
Cop: Gives me a thumbs up and drives off.

Coolest cop ever.

Hope next time i get pulled over its him. Sounds cool as hell

your story is fictitious


And it wasn’t Dave lol.

ha ha lies again…when the fuck are we partying you tard

Whenever you man up. Supra dorifto.

call a nigga

mink would have arrested ur ass right there on the spot for havning that rediculous ED Hardy shirt on. :lol

Figured you would have the whole collection, muscle milk sponsorship and the armani exchange lineup… :wow


muscle milk is terrible and i NEVER drink that liquid ass.

I actually like the taste of it… its too $$ and fatty. Lite version FTL.

Definitely a repost.

muscle milk is made for tools who dont really work out but like to walk into GNC and buy “PROTEIN” so they can say they work out and take suppliments. its a fucking smoothy with a dolup of protein added.

Well Ryan’s being a total tool is nothing new.

Doesn’t it have like 28g of protein per scoop/2 scoops… 56g a serving isn’t terrible… I just use the gnc whey protein now and pound that garbage… its WHEY cheaper.


When do I get ride in poopra

Too much for you.

Yeah you’re probably right

you want to ride his pooper :wtf