besides darkhomo or I.
who drove the furthest to attend???
besides darkhomo or I.
who drove the furthest to attend???
not me, i came from CAL.
prob either hannibal or Slowmaro
While Amanda + I drove from Wexford, we got lost in the South Hills…so we probably drove 35+ miles…
I am pretty close to the park. Easy drive for me
I would say it would be Kurt and Jim from up North :dunno:
10blaze or whatever it is… the guy with the si
he came from rochester
Damn, thats a haul for a bunch of people you dont know. Thanks for coming down
20 minutes down Ohio river blvd from me, isnt far at all.
but for comming.
butler here :sadwavey:
Props to everyone that showed near and far!!! It was a good time. Kids, adults, adult kids all ahd a good time! :bigthumb:
<-- Rochester… about 1.2 hour drive and worth it.
i came from ohio yesterday
I win. 400 miles, 7hrs.
298 miles 4 hrs
damn you drive slow
it is a maxima :stick:
I can make it in 6 if theres no DC/Balt traffic.
i went from bulter my house to jjs then to the picnic …that was my journey
damn! i make it to myrtle beach in 9 hrs