fyi: old school movie buffs

The palace movie theatre in hamburg on buffalo street has started playing all kinds of classic movies. you can go to to view the listings

the gf and i just got back from seeing rear window, it was fucking awesome. i hadnt seen it in years, much cooler on a big screen :tup:

theyre playing butch cassidy and the sundance kid all this week in memory of paul newman. night of the living dead on halloween…

good shit! :tup:

ugh i love night of the living dead … the original is by far the best zombie movie ever.

bump, theyre playing psycho tomorrow night at midnight!

no shit! i’m going to have to check this out

Ugghh… I hate old movies and not because im young and have no taste… because they really do suck in comparison to good movies now a days. I like 12 Angry Men and Willy Wonka… maybe some old Chaplin stuff. I really want to see Citizen Kane still.

i have to disagree. horror movies were so much better back then.

bump for vertigo tonight!