G5 is slow....

How about a 2007 Pontiac G5 will NOT beat a 06 ZO6 Vette! Ask me how I know!!! LOL. Wow, that sucked… I needs some Upgrades!!! Anyone got any ideas???

mine is faster then a z06 you should see what i got under the hood. but noone will see :finger2:

a new car if your going against vettes :slight_smile:

350 in a fwd car converted to rwd?

Noobs :stick:

ill sell you my stealth. It beats c5 z06’s :wink:

v10 swizapped?

no its called 15g’s with supporting mods = bye bye vette

:rofl: still a glamorized dsm :rofl:

except it wasnt manufactored in the US. which the dsm name wouldn’t make sense.

God I love people that know jack about a car.

will it beat a camaro.

depends wats in a camaro.

mine is stock with suporting mods;)

Let me buy this and I’ll think about it lol



Poo Poo car

Boostedbowtie, use your G5 to drive to work, Walmart etc and call it a day, leave the vettes alone. lol.

Greekpower, your stealth sounds cool. its def sweet to have it goin that fast, but i’d take a Z06 all day long over any stealth ever made, for my own car. to each his own tho.

well definately :stuck_out_tongue: If I could afford a z06 I’d take it and mod it more then my stealth but I’m young so can’t afford it now, but its definately nice to “show off” at the strip lol.

Yeah. I think I will just leave it be… Its a nice little car for getting around so. I dont wanna jack it up tooooo bad. :dunno: