Game 6

I’m going to game 6 in Detroit should it get there…should be interesting if the tigers are going to clinch it while in D-town :scared:

that should be cool. detroit is kinda sweet. i was at ford but not tiger stadium.

its too bad that pine-tar is the mvp of the world series because thats the only story ppl are talkin about

:rofl: @ baseball

thats soo sweet, i would love to go to a world seires game!

:rofl: @ darkstar

well even if it was pine tar he still pitched 7 more shutout innings without it. tony larussa is just a lil bitch

eh…on the dan patrick show yeserday, there were like 5 ppl on that said that even when its wiped off and not visable anymore, there is still tackyness that remains for a good while unless strong chemicals or whatnot are used to remove it. so i’m sure he still had soem effect of it. also, they showed pics of the same spot of his hands from last series too. i dont really care, but baseball fans should be happy that something like this came about, because its the only thing thats made any headlines.

if you were smart you could eat candy and make ur hand sticky, they can’t say shit about that. pitchers need help, they lowered the mound back in like 68 just because one guy had a stellar season. a good pitching performance in my eyes is more exciting than a sluggfest.

lol. ya, thats true. they were talkin about all the small things pitchers try to do to gain an edge. it was pretty interesting. some of the techniques to pull at the stitches and whatnot. basically they were saying that that type of stuff happens and for the most part its tolerated throughout the league…sorta like an unwritten rule. aslong as it doesnt get overboard, then i guess its accepted by umps, coaches and players alike.

pithcers alos spray clear slicone on there hands in this weather…

if larso was soo worried about it, why not make a big deal about it after the 1st ining when his players were bitching then???

football players aren’t allowed to use stickey stuff either and QB’s used to eat candy and spit on their fingers to get grip… i’m sure rodgers hands were smooth and really dry from the cold and he was looking for an edge. it didn’t cost him anything and he washed it off and still pitched like a beast

werd…who cares, larso didnt make a big deal about it, why should we

they were saying some of it is because he has a good friendship w/ Leyland. another is because then you get the finger pointing at both sides if you make that big of an issue over it. regardless, even after washing it…if it still did help, he pitched well. i dont think it would make that big of a difference but who knows.

larussa is a fuckin cunt. leyland is not far behind. the genius leyland with his smart pitching moves almost cost detroit the game like he did for us in 92.

:squint: over in 5
