GamesCom 09: First GT5 damage effect gamplay footage

Get a better tv/surround? Or maybe you’re racing the same car everytime? I’d let you borrow my ears if I could.

Forza 2 is better than GT5 will be, im not even going to compare it with Forza 3. On top of all the things Benny mentioned the online racing in Forza is awesome, no glitches, no lag, it is perfect. Also, i see the damage is better in Forza, but also, in GT5 can you customize? Custom paint, lip kits, wheels, stuff like that?

couple shots from forza 2

How do you even know it will be better than GT5? lol. That’s asinine to say. And who cares about ricer piant and lipskits?

The customization in Forza sucks. The most effective body kits for each car look exactly the same.

I dont know it will be, i think it will be. What does ricer paint have to do with anything? Who said anything about ricer paint? GT5 should be better than Forza 3 though, it has taken them 3 years to make it. Now maybe someone will start buying PS3’s

Thats because its really just a lip/spoiler kind of thing. The Ricer bumpers arent the most effective because they dont redirect air or create downforce, they are just for looks.

its not even worth arguing, i just feel bad for the people that still play GT

LOL! Got a laugh outa me. lol.

Ah couldn’t find the Erebuni Showgunn kitZz 4 mah Eecliplse on eeither simyulater so I quit playn’

ya heard

But you said exactly “Forza 2 is better than GT5 will be”. You must have played GT5 to make that sort of statement. You’re the one that brought up the paint…that’s why I mentioned the paint. Who cares about custom painting cars in a game?..doesn’t make you faster. I’ve played Forza2 and wasn’t a fan of it as soon as I touched the awful xbox controlers. The grapgics and gameplay weren’t anything I liked. Reminded me more of Dirt. I’ve played GTPrologue for 252135 hours with the G25 wheel and to me it makes Forza look like Mariocart. I’ve played it online also. Never once had any problems with glitches or crazy lagging issues.
As for the screenshots that you posted…they looks like they were drawn with colored chalk. :crazy

I agree with everything here

that video is dissapointing, they better work a lot on the damage physics or they should of just left it out. ill be buying it either way, same with forza 3 because both series are awesome and the stupid fan bois need to just die.

wow, i played the prologue also. The graphics, gameplay were nothing special at all. The worst part about it is the PS3 controllers. The prologue reminds me of Iron Man Ivan Stewarts offroad racing. Also, the GT5 screen shots ive seen look like they were drawn with pastels, not impressed at all. You never head any issues with lag online because PS2’s are still outselling the PS3, no one plays the system let alone the $40 demo they sold you.

yeah PSx controllers suck compared to the S-type.


You sir are just wrong.


Idk, I played the 360 for a while, I have a ps3 now, and the Type S just feels soooo much better, and trigger throttles rock…I really do not like using my thumbs as a throttle at this point…plus…you can totaly hit the ebrake easier :shifty

Srsly, I’m going to probably buy GT5…give it the benefit of the doubt.

But, I think I’ll be playing Forza 3 a LOT more, there’s just so much more to do.

Whew, thats alot of reading.

I’ve played both games and I’ve gotta say I’m a fan of the GT series overall.

However each side, Forza, GT have their issues too. The biggest gripe I had with GT was really the engine sounds. They do sound similar or not quite realistic enough with their counterpart car they’re supposed to sound like.

But after all is said and done, its the gameplay and the feel of racing in these games that make it all worthwhile. Especially with a steering wheel and pedals. And I am proud to say that both games have taught me some about finding the line, heel/toe, trail braking, etc.

Even though its not like driving a real car for this matter, its still fun.

Don’t forget about GT for the PSP coming out October 1’st.
(I travel often so this will help.) :slight_smile:

Yeah you’re right…there are only 17 of us that have ever played online. Looks like you know what you’re talking about. :Idiots

Not going to go into the politics of GT vs Forza.

I love GT series and will get GT5 for sure, anyone wanna race online when the game comes out, add me ~> RocketPunch1221 …everything you need to know about GT series…