but keep going you two get in the best efights :fart:
i forgot that, in life, it’s common knowledge to base someones personality off of their halloween costume.
being that you are nothing… i guess it’s safe to say you have no personality.
i’m not basing you on your costume…you’ve always been like that.
the costume just fits right in…par the course
maybe i am nothing & have no personality
oh snap!
the funniest part of all is that “grown ass men” don’t have time to argue on teh interweb. look at our post counts… NONE of us are “grown ass men”.
well not everyone can live my lavish lifestyle of 9 hour work days followed by 4.5 hour school nights then 1 hour gym sessions. however when the weekend comes… id much rather be out then sitting in front of a computer… Im not saying YOU are but thats half the reason 80% of this country are fat asses.
sorry… small rant. I hate lazy people. (incase anyone cares how i really feel) :gives:
i definitely disagree.
the obesity rate started skyrocketting when? the late eighties? the early nineties? computers weren’t as present as they are now. think about all that came out in that time, food-wise: hot pocket-type foods, larger candy bars, super-sized fast food meals, sodas were upsized to 20oz from 16oz when they had been 12oz in the sixties. look at the massive increase in diabetics. the american problem is more one of consumption than of inactivity. we COULD be more active, but we REALLY need to watch what we eat.
A large McDonalds soda in Europe is 20 or 22oz. A large McDonalds soda here is what? 32oz? 44oz? A 44oz Coke is 550 calories.
i hear you ive been there & done that schedule…its not fun
my schedule is jsut as crazy now just no school anymore…but in my free time i’d rather relax & chill, not be out… but when i was 21 i wanted to be out like you.
…i’m far from a fat ass… the only time i’m in front of a computer is @ work & thats it.
i totally disagree with that. I eat that crap on a daily basis simply b/c i dont have time to make anythign better. But since im not completely lazy and i workout everynight im at about 4.5 % body fat. now im not sayin ppl need to be like that and put time in at the gym etc but go do some freakin yardwork or something instead of payin someone do anything just get off your ass.
diddo …wasnt sayin you were… i have no idea who you are… just a general statement.
i hear you…its alll good…i know what you meant.
when i was 18 and i moved out (no more homemade meals), i used to down a 12-pack of Dr Pepper in one shift at work. That’s 1800 calories. I’d either eat a medium pepperoni + ricotta pizza (about 1500 calories) or a double cheeseburger and large onion rings (about 1000 calories) for dinner. tack on slim jims, shmiscuits, red bulls, et cetera (probably another 1000-1500 calories a day)… I probably consumed about 4000 calories a day, not including alcohol and desserts. I skated a few times a week, I rode my bicycle all the time, and I used to do crunches and push ups until i was sick, but I went from 130 (weight when I started college) to 215 (weight this past July) in five years. I’m down to 185 now, with no changes other than those to my diet. Exercise is definitely important, but I think diet is moreso.
yes a diet is a crucial part of the whole ordeal but its not how much you eat its WHAT you eat…i take in approx 6500-7000 calories per day with 400 grams of protein and about 400-550 grams of carbs. so it can definitely be done without getting fat, esp considering from about 8am to 930pm im either sitting in a chair at work or sitting in a chair at school.
right, but you’re in a muscle-building regimen. your diet couldn’t possibly apply to a “normal” person.
right…thats why MOST people do / should base their diet off a 2000 calorie type diet. which with minor amounts of activity should be more than sufficient.
what if you don’t care about calorie counting?
you just proved my point.
NO ONE follows that 2000 calorie shit. Normal people eat when they’re hungry, and they eat what they crave. People crave fats and sugars because they taste good. Those fats and sugars are delivered in high calorie foods.
That’s why it’s our diet that is the problem. Americans are weak when it comes to food-related willpower. You can’t be a whiny bitch and say it’s the food companies’ fault, because they’re just giving people what they want; it’s not their fault that everyone overindulges. Americans need to grow some willpower and realise that they can put the other half of the Dr Pepper in the fridge to drink later…and that they don’t need the two extra patties that a triple whopper would give them…and that a can of Pringles isn’t meant to be eaten in one sitting.
Before anyone accuses me of being an asshole, I’m guilty of a lot of this food-related lack of willpower as well.
then just make sure you do a lap around your chair every hour…hahah jk. then chances are your in good shape anyway and dont’ change anything and youll be alright. if youve never had a weight problem before unless you get a medical condition chances are with a semi active lifestyle youll end up being fine for life anyway.
ya but considering all i donate is about an hour a day to working out and im almost tripling what ppl should be eating then what im saying is with a little bit of activity you should be able to eat what you want and get away with it. im partially agreeing with your point. im just sayin exercise is extremely crucial…i think were on the same page here.
you have to take metabolism into effect too.
I’m not lazy, but I don’t eat great and I’m fat. I’m not the most active person around but my eating habits and amount of activity far excedes most people I know and I’m twice their size. :dunno: