Gaming Headset Questions

Does anyone here have any experience or input as far as a nice USB Headset goes? I am looking for one to use while playing on my Playstation 3 system.

I am looking for quality sounds and reliability. I would rather pay more for quality than skimp out on price.

Any recommendations?

Madusa 5.1’s are alright

The new Razer series is pretty good, the old ones used to suck a chode but theyve gotten much better

Senhiser’s are really nice headsets even their cheaper series… good sound quality, good reliability…

Logitec Socom II edition is that last one i had for socom back in pre 2004…

Just picked up a logitech g35 headset on black friday for $60… best headset ive had.,en

I just got the turtle beach ones for 360 that were $100.
i bought this one. so far it works fine. has force feedback. it shakes ur skull around a bit with it on to max and with explosions and stuff, fun for shooters for sure

I have the sony one made for the PS3 i think i was like $49 works great no issues

+1 for the Medusa 5.1’s
I have them on my PC with a X-Fi Pro Gamer sound card. They are great. They have 6 speakers inside them and they image unblievable. Dont even try to understand how you can get a surround sound from a set of head phones, just believe me when I tell you it works. They also have alot of bass. they play a very full range and the hand set on the cord adjusts the gains on the front, rear, center and the subwoofer.

I play first person shooters alot, TF2 mostly. Once you dial in these things you can pin point where sounds are coming from. I have been accused of cheating becasue I would turn around and kill a spy that uncloaks behind me all the time, becasue I could pick up that cloak sound from where ever it comes from.

Also with the iRacing I am into now, I can hear when and where the other cars are around me with accuracy too.

They are big. A bit heavy but the hear pieces are very soft and comfy. I played many hours straight without any issues, just have to take them off for a sec here and there to rub your ears, but that happens with any headset really.

Durability is good. unless you step on them like I did and you have to JB weld part of it back together! I had them for over a year now and they sound just as good as day one. The can go very fucking loud too. Loud enough to where you cant keep them on your head, and if you lay them on the desk and crank it up it wont distort and sound like a small set of dektop speakers sitting there.

Are you serious? Somebody is fukin rich! (The inventor, get it? :lol)

I have the older Plantronics DSP-500 (one of the last ones they were trying to get rid of on clearance price… got it for like $33 shipped), and it’s pretty decent.

It doesn’t have surround sound capabilities, but it does have a built in sound card that you can adjust bass and treble on, so when you’re listening to music it sounds good.

The mic on here is good too, everyone can hear me clear as day.

If you’re looking for surround sound headsets, however, this one won’t be for you.

What if I get two of those headsets and wear them side by side? Could I configure surround sound?


Get it and let us know.

technially possible. it’s kind of redundant. you can do it with just two divers. it wont be true surround sound, but no headphone set is. the are all “surround” sound or simulated surround sound. they do it via time delay, because theres only two drivers. putting in 4 drivers wont work out as well, actually. the only speakers that have multiple drivers are the high end ear bud style ones for a full freq range responce.

i’ve just got the playstation one… works well… recharges fast… great sound quality plus it’s mic will pick up your voice on a wispier

My MEDUSA 5.1’s have 4 speakers per ear cup. Each driver separates BASS, front, rear and center.

It is literally like taking a 5 speaker home theater (well i guess it would be 6 bing this has 2 “subwoofers” but you get the idea) and shrinking them down small enough to fit in ear cups yet positioning them in such a way to still point at your ear in their respective directions.

If you look at the actual speaker arraignment in the headphones they are positioned to hit your hear much like sitting on a sofa and having the home speakers 10 feet away in different positions in the room.

The cheaper ones have only 2 drivers and is simulated like you said. but these multi speaker ones actually carry the respective L/R/FC/RC and Lowpass signals from the audio card.

Just throwing this one out there. I think I am ordering these in about 5 mins, lol.