Gang rape wave

apparently the illegal aliens are to blame

and i trust that site to be unbiased as well

especially when the ads are for shirts that say death to liberals

you fucking idiot


See this book says so…and they’re giving this shit away…guess the truth really is free!


sweet forehead tattoo though, too bad hes a gang raper

gang bang’s :tup:


i mean, seriously, was I the only one that saw that?

ahha, i saw it too.

i was like. 5 posts… wtf?

<— chair of UB’s Pro-Rape Task Force

how do i SIGN UP!?!?!? pm me for details! i don’t want anyone to know i’m a rapist

“im here for the gangbang”

Sweet. I want a Death to liberals tshirt. lol.

Well joe, the Muslims are extremely violent, and easily the most violent religion. Go ahead and make fun of Christianity for the crusades…that lasted what, a few houndred years…as opposed to the muslims who have been fighting for housands. That is not my “bias” opinion, its the truth.


wow, you’re just an idiot

there are what a billion people of islamic faith in the world…and out of that maybe 100,000 religious terrorists?

Ok…Ummm, did you grow up under a rock? The muslims have been killing eachother and those who do not agree with them for over a thousand years :bloated: you can not argue with that. They are starting wars on like every continent…and I am an idiot?

what do you call a moderate muslim? One who only bears a grudge for 8 generations.

Oh but they are not violent…imean c’mon, we see all the time how the Jews are sending children to blow up buildings in suicide bombings, and we can’t forget those pesky budists who have taken out entire nations.


That’s like saying because of you being an idiot…everyone on this forum has a low IQ

Well…considering my IQ is 127. And no, I did not get that from an online site, I have tourettes and had to get tested for my triannual review. Just because you are wrong does not mean you have to resort to name calling…you jerk face.

For those that don’t know ms13 makes the bloods and crips look like the Girl Scouts.
I only mention that because no one has addressed that in this thread.
If you think ms13 was made up by a conservative website you are way wrong.

That number means nothing.