Anyone have any advise on how to keep the garage warm over the winter? I have a small propane heater that works ok, but the tank is always running out and is a pain to get refilled all the time.
natural gas hanging units work great.
are You looking for constant heat source
heat when You are in there working?
Im just looking for something in there when I am working, usually just on weekends. Maybe several days over xmas break and such. My garage is detached so I dont know about putting a gas line to the garage, sounds expensive and I dont think I would be able to do myself or I would
I use a torpedo heater (such as the kind on the field at Bill’s games). The fiance got it for me last season.
Holds 10 gal. of kerosene (or diesel), heats up a 2.5 car garage in about 15 minutes. But You need to have ~5’ of open space behind & infront of it due to the very direct heat output.
Come check it out if You like or ask PyschoPJV on this forum.
I have a nice kerosene bullet heater which works nice
BTW - the 10 gal tank lasted me a loooong time.
if you have space, a wood burner is nice too
i dont think you can have a wood burning stove in cali… isant that kind of thing outlawed?
Those kerosene heaters are not for garages I dont think, I think there more for open/vented spaces
i used to use a salamander with the door open a little, then got a woodstove
WOODSTOVE > you mom
best tool in the garage by far
Mine is rated for indoor / outdoor.
we use a kero torpedo heater at my parents, works decent, but its a little smelly. I think the new ones are a lot better. Ours is vintage.
these work great, uncles got one, very nice set up. But since you dont want to run a line then I would say the torpedo is your choice by far. We used one in Jaegers garage all winter, did just fine. Just buy a good one thats all.
How about you spend the $300 bucks and a day insulating the Garage and it will stay warm like your heater did at my house?
:word: good point
Anyone ever hook up a furnace or something in there garage, like a furnace for a trailer or some shit
I plan on insulating too
When I removed the wood burning stove from my house, I contermplated using it in my garage.
I use torpedo heaters. I believe there is also an additive so it doesn’t smell as bad.
Plus my garage is insulated, so that helps too.
I would think You’d end up spending more on a furnace and ductwork…
how big is the garage?
Once that is done you won’t need to worry about it. I was actually in a t-shirt in January in the garage, working on the WRX, using your heater to heat it.