Garbage truck street racing busted

:rofl: :rofl:

Ontario’s new laws aimed at so-called "street racing " come into effect anytime you are caught speeding more than 50 kph, regardless if you are alone or not, and results in impounding of your vehicle for 7 days and hefty fines.

Garbage truck nailed for street racing in Goderich, Ont.Accused won’t get ‘employee-of-the-month prize,’ officer noted
Linda Nguyen , Canwest News Service
Published: Thursday, April 24, 2008

A garbage truck has been impounded and its driver faces charges in what is believed to be the first case of a commercial vehicle snagged by Ontario’s new street racing legislation.

“I don’t think this guy is going to get the employee-of-the-month prize anytime soon,” Const. Joanna van Mierlo of the Huron County detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police remarked Thursday.

An OPP officer clocked the truck speeding at 112 km/h in a 60 km/h zone Wednesday in the small town of Goderich, Ont., about 200 kilometres northwest of Toronto.

“We had identified a number of areas in the county to be problem areas,” van Mierlo said. “As a result, this guy was pulled over during a direct speed blitz by our officer.”

Van Mierlo said the truck belongs to a private garbage contractor and the driver was working at the time.

“I think this is the first commercial vehicle to get pulled over for street racing,” she said. “It’s pretty significant, considering large commercial vehicles have a harder time stopping on a dime.”

The truck has been impounded for seven days and the driver’s licence has also been suspended for a week.

The driver faces one count of racing and one count of failing to inspect his motor vehicle. He is set to appear in a Goderich court on June 5.

On Saturday, Windsor, Ont., OPP charged a 26-year-old man with serious speeding infractions after he was stopped for attempting to pass a marked police vehicle while driving at 178 km/h. His licence was also suspended and his vehicle impounded.

The tougher street racing legislation came into effect in the province last September.

It gives police the ability to impound a vehicle and suspend a driver’s licence for seven days each, and to issue a minimum $2,000 fine if a driver is caught going 50 kilometres over the posted speed limit.

All i can say is what the fuck…that is not street racing…people in power are :nuts:

that garbage is gonna stink in 7 days, its not even allowed on a truck over night here or you get a fine.

Very true, but the dep has to find you :bigthumb:

fuck canada, yeah i said it

wow bigshit, what they gonna do brag free healthcare and non gun violence :rofl: EH !!!

and the bacon.

Fuck stupid laws anywhere.
