Police Charge 85-Year-Old for Street Racing

damn those 85-year old street racers! :drivin :drivin

Police Charge 85-Year-Old Under Street Racing Legislation
Thursday January 3, 2008
CityNews.ca Staff

An 85-year-old man has become the oldest individual ever to be charged under the province’s new street racing law.

Police allege the man was driving 161 km/h on Highway 407 Wednesday. The posted speed limit there is 100 km/h.

“He said he was going to the bank and shopping,” noted OPP Sgt. Cam Woolley, who added that road conditions at the time were snowy and icy.

Anyone caught driving more than 50km/h above the limit can be charged under street racing legislation enacted Sept. 20, 2007. Among the possible penalties: drivers can have their vehicle impounded for a week and/or be fined $2,000 or more. Officers also have the option to suspend a motorist’s licence for a week.

Woolley contends the new laws are aimed at cracking down on all aggressive drivers, not just racers.

“It got silly – we were getting crashes at high speeds and the defence was, ‘well, if they weren’t racing someone, then they weren’t racing,’ even though the consequences are the same,” he said.

So far, approximately 2,300 drivers in Ontario have been charged under the street racing laws, 83.9 percent of them male. And though the average age of offenders is 30, police have also charged two 75-year-olds.


what the **** LOL!
OK OK now everyone who is street racing, its a race to see who can get to 140 km/h quicker, if you pass 150 you fail and its a automatic disqualification ya heard. at least if you are actually street racing now and your not going past 150 you can use it against them :slight_smile:

^NICE! A loophole :wink:

Ya heard this on the radio, I laughed…god damn street racers.


WTG Cam Woolley

lets be more dangerous…149.99km/h

i love it…the average age of offenders is 30…goes to show how wrong they were about judging/profiling young drivers street racing/being careless

160 on presumably snow tires, and in snow/icy conditions must have been quite the hair-raising experience! :R

wow pigs ftl

There goes his cheapo insurance…

No more, GREYPOWER…lmao :A

funny how they say most speed freaks are people over 30!!! go ****ing figure… and we race right!!

sucks for that old man!! im glad that its documented that the avg age is 30 years old, can take a bit of heat off us young drivers!!

coming back from dropping dymo off at home i saw an GDB going what i would say, was about 160+ on the 401->404 north ramp. granted it wasn’t icy or anything, it was lastnight, but still the roads are a bit wet and cold, never know when ice can strike. and as blade always says “nothing can defeat black ice”

its funny how when you mess your car up you blame it on “black” ice, you know white ice wouldnt do that.
LOL! was a joke i heard on comedy network about 15 min ago.
anyways wtf is a GDB? i may just be stupid

GDB = Impreza WRX STi chassis. 2004-2007. Not sure about 2008 Chassis.

follow up to this story: i was reading the metro article about this story this morning and it said the officer who stopped the man pulled up beside him on the 407, started honking her horn to get him to slow down … instead, HE SPED UP :S

… maybe he thought she wanted to race and they were going on the third honk :smiley:

Wow…hahaha.pure jokes…lol

im glad that its documented that the avg age is 30 years old, can take a bit of heat off us young drivers!!

Even though they said that, they’re still gonna target people like us. Why? because they can and want to.

hahahah lol this is helarious!!!:smiley: grandpa street racer. its an obvious loophole though. i was cought doing 172 on 401 by an undercover before these laws took place and i wouldnt be surprised if they try to pin me with street racing although i was the lone “Van” at 4:00am on the freeway.

hope Gramps here doesnt get charged for street racing so that i can argue based on precedent.