Gas fireplace installer recommendation

My mom is looking to have one installed at her new place in NT. First floor living room on an exterior wall so I’m assuming it could be vented out the side of the house. The house already had gas for furnace (forced air), hot water, stove and dryer and the basement is unfinished so tapping and running a line will be easy.

This is what she had installed at her old house and is looking to do something similar.

Fireplace outlet. Fbrendan is the manager over there at the blvd location

Brendan. knows his shit and is damn sexy.

No shit? I send people over to him all the time lol.

Another nomination for them, even though the previous owners paid for and had them installed at my place, I love the fireplaces we have here.

Anyone but Southtowns Fireplace in Hamburg. Owner is the father of a friend of mine and is an arrogant prick. I used to send my customers to him when the need for a fireplace came up and they all came back to me wondering why I would send them to someone like that.

Fireplace outlet


Anyone have Brendan’s direct contact info? I was hoping not to get involved in this fiasco with my mom’s fireplace install but it has gone on long enough and I’m tired of listening to her bitch about it.

CLIFFS: Scheduled install was July 25th and 26th, then back on Aug 1st and 2nd to finish it. Gas fireplace plus built in cabinets. Still not complete 9/20.

It’s now Sept 20th and she’s still waiting to get the doors put on the built in cabinets, have the last bit of mortar put in between the brick and the cabinets and have the remote that she paid for but was never delivered or set up installed. At least 10 times during the various trips during this install Dan (the installer) has said he’ll be there on X date at Y time only to call 2-4 hours after he was supposed to show up and say “sorry, couldn’t make it, I’ll have to reschedule” (or not call at all). The store is being really bad about returning calls now as well.

I was expecting to bump this thread with a :tup: since the work they’ve done has been top notch, the pricing was fair, and during the design phase they were incredibly helpful. Unfortunately they really dropped the ball on the install. I’ve never seen a project that was quoted as 4 days of work to complete turn into so many trips to work 1-2 hours at a time then take off. She’s really frustrated that there is probably less than an hours work left to finish this project but she’s had at least 3 appointments canceled after sitting home waiting for the installer all day.

For reference, here’s how it sits right now:

As I said, an awesome job (I did the TV) and she’s really happy with the quality of the work. She’s not looking for any money off, she just wants a solid date and time from the installer to finish the damn work and have him actually show up. Doesn’t seem like too much to ask after dropping the kind of money she has on this project.

I can PM you his cell.

The installer has the traits of a person with a drug problem

I don’t think so after talking with him (he was there the night I put up the TV) and seeing the quality of his work. I think he’s just taking on way more work than he and his crew are actually able to deliver on.

As everyone said Fbrendan will make sure it gets taken care of. Call there and ask for Brendan and explain it to him. Very stand up guy and will help in any way he can.

Yea he will probably beat someone up over something like this…

I thought the installer was the owner of the place?

Is he a subcontracted employee?

I’m so glad we don’t bother we gas installs.

That install looks insanely similar to the one that was done at my mothers house, it was done by Fireplace Outlet and she was very happy with them

Is Fireplace Outlet still the place to go for gas inserts? They dont even show up on Angie’s List. Black Hat seems to be pretty reputable, but I just got their estimate and its pretty steep. Does anyone have experience with anyone else?