Just a picture from speedpeds family reunion its his dad
and another thread ruined by fuckin noobs…
Right? I hate noobs:banghead:
ive been here since 05
ok youd win w/e
i had 18,s
wow way to derail a thread guys…i know this is offtopic but still. do yourselves and everyone else a favor and GROW UP
yeah i was there earlier i told all my friends and family i filled my jeep up for 13 bucks and got 19 gallons of gas i was on E like crazy this def made my day
One account per person speedpud79
the highschool is strong with this thread.
^More like grade 2.
Battle of the brains.:lol:
You’re both idiots.
Dear ericvw7989,
Your continous banter towards speedped is not entertaining or funny. It’s annoying and has been evidence to the fact that you suck nearly as bad as him, if not more. Please refrain from shitting up even more thread with your hardass wannabe comments.
Planet Earth and it’s inhabitants.
This is probably the poorest thread on nyspeed. Are you guy’s for real?
this happened to me, and i went in and told the clerk BEFORE i filled up.
You’re not fucking over “big oil”…
You’re probably fucking over:
- a local business owner
- some clerk who probably makes jack shit to start with, and now probably got fired because of a missed keystroke.
Dammit, I just filled up there the day before, I had 0.9gal left in the tank.
who said anything about “fucking over big oil” ? not my fault someone messed it up. not to mention, the person that told me about it (which i was skeptical of) told me 2 hours PRIOR to me going there, if someone really missed it for THAT long then they aren’t too bright anyways!
you fail it