gas prices falling down to $1.15 a gallon for 87

From the article Jay linked…

National Annual Average Retail Price of Self-Serve Regular

· 1999: $1.16
· 2000: $1.51
· 2001: $1.44
· 2002: $1.35
· 2003: $1.56
· 2004: $1.84
· 2005: $2.26
· 1999 to 2005 Average: $1.59

I know you guys are joking but,
seriously the key is to keep demand low.

Sorry, I should have made it more clear
I want a real mans car with none of that pussy fuel injection crap.

I can.
If I was really worried about being fast I wouldn’t have bought a civic.
Cheap + good on gas + reliable = college student
and I’m not at all worried about being a baddass street racer.

sidenote - 20 mpg isn’t to bad but how did you drive? Like grandma?
I got 42mpg last tank driving like an ass. Meaning if I step on it I don’t get 6 mpg…but I also don’t move…:smiley: (Working on getting 45+ without a conservative driving style)
and my original statement was extremely sarcastic because it will never fucking happen.

If that happens there will be an extremely high demand in gas cans…

I know I’ll be there fillin 'em up.

i’ll believe it when i see it.

Until then… i’m totally fine with $2.85/gal

So people are going to spend 10 bucks on a gas can so they can save 2 bucks on a gallon of gas? Some people just don’t think things through…

i call BS also…

but i do enjoy finally paying under $3 for 93

Uh, remember the line of idiots who camped out overnight when that station did .99/gal for up to 20 gal for the first 200 customers? So no, people do not get it. Those people would have saved more money picking up cans on the side of the highway for 3 hours than waiting in their car for 10 hours, and they could have spent the other 7 hours sleeping.

i doubt it will ever get that cheap, no matter what the price of oil does. the gas companies have finally started to break our will and people are accepting gas will be expensive now and just suck it up and pay it. why would they start selling it super cheap again knowing we will pay higher prices.

yeah it seems like it might get down nice but def. not $1.15…i work at a wilson famrs, and two nights ago we took the prices down 9 cents, and last night another 2 cents. $2.95 for 93oct…YES PLEASE!


Um, because unlike what all the conspiracy theorists like to believe, the price of a gallon of gas is not controlled by some mysterious man behind the curtain.

It’s simple supply and demand, and there are too many different companies pumping in on the supply side to simply say “they’ll pay high prices, so lets keep them there”. The down side to oil prices getting as high as they did, at least for the companies/nations making money off oil, is the fact that it motivated companies to explore for oil in places they never would, which affects the supply side.

call it what you want, i still don’t ever see gas being around $1.00 again

Agreed, but it’s not because of some giant gas company conspiracy, just simply that the world uses too much gas.

lol, im not going to go buy any… I’ll just fill the ones up that i already have!

since i doubt it will go that low … for now $2.69 is the only way to go! ($2.89 for 91oct)

Gotta love Quick Fill

$2.85? You are getting screwed.

I paid $2.70 the other day on the boulevard and Maple… at Delta Sonic.


3300 lb (w/driver) fox body
H/C/I/E + :tspry:
4.10 gears

24mpg on my last fillup. That tank included (9) :tspry: pulls, some work commute, and a little highway.


wooohoooo tc gas mileage :slight_smile:

Hmm, OPEC controls the majority of the supply, so with demand being a relatively known amount, I’d say they can control the prices. Any time they think the price is getting too low they cut production. :gotme:

I doubt gas will go that low. If it does I’ll buy the biggest fucking boat of a 70’s Caddy for a winter car.:pimp:But seriously, everyone would rush out to buy that H2 of their dreams because gas is “cheap”, and supply would diminish. Then they’d jack the price even higher than before and they’d all be fucked! I’ll stick with my fuel efficient car no matter what the price.

not really, no. If oil prices are too high (60-65+), it then becomes seriously advantagous for other companies to dump capital in research & discovery. This is NOT what OPEC wants. It means more competition for OPEC.

Think of it this way, if everyone is happy with $50/barrell oil & OPEC is making fat profits because the american oil industry is willing to stuff the till with easy money… then OPEC is happy.

If no one (Big Oil, US Gov’t, to a lesser extent: Consumers) is happy with $70/barrell oil, then the american oil industry will slowly start spending more on alternatives. That may be hydro/battery/solar energy. It may just as easily be tapping new oil pockets that would be independant of OPEC. It could also mean going to Russian oil sources for just a few bucks less. But in any case, OPEC will be making a fat profit on $70/barrel oil but will start losing market share.

Sound a bit like GM & Ford?
