Gas prices- wtf?

god forbid the market fluctuates.


Good Post Paul!

I dont read that crap.

Thanks. I was pretty pissed off when I saw the prices change again.

I had to fill my truck tonight.

Pjb you don’t play the stock market do ya? If not then oil is the only example of a constantly changing consumer product and without understanding the science behind it, it will be confusing.

Keep in mind a few things, most gas stations are privately owned so don’t blame the oil companies for the numbers going up or running the goverment.

Also keep in mind that most oil corporations are just that corporations which means they are owned by the share holders, which is us, and the general market economy which controls the crude oil price.

Finally gas stations do it because there is logic behind it, along with money, and frankly because they just can. Their profit is still extrmely small one way or another on a per gallon basis. You give more profit % to any candy bar you’ve ever bought than a gallon gas, but why are you mad against the gas?

Ive got like 3 worthless Trustco stocks. Not even worth getting rid of.

From what I understand the stations raise their prices because the gas companies do.

I dont believe the BS that gas stations only make 3 cents on a gallon or whatever they claim to be making. If there wasnt a decent profit they would find something with a greater profit margin to sell.

A $1 candy bar wont break me but having to spend $65+ on a tank of gas once or twice a week sure can drain my wallet.

quit driving a gas guzzler

Here’s a clue, Sherlock:


We LOLing over here. Good post.

Normally just $65 for a normal week of driving. Thats 330-360 miles to a tank. 14-15 mpg.

My car is probably alot worse on gas and runs on premium and it stays parked anyway.

14mpg :facepalm

I spend $13 every 3 days for 150 miles worth of gas. (5 gals)

Go back to something comparable to the Hyundai for daily duty or stop whining.

Yeah, thats normal. Within the 14/18 rating too. Maybe if I drove like an old lady it would get 16 but I dont.


I need my truck though and I really love the truck so Im keeping it.
I do miss 32 mpg though.

No, actually Im not. Most of my driving is on the northway back and forth to work. Im just not the guy doing 45 in a 65, thats all I mean.

awwwwww yeah. paul’s rippin past people getting 30+ MPG in their regular cars in his BIG BOY TRUCK

I usually just drive 5 or less over the limit. Every now and then I might step on it a little more but most of the time Im easy on it.


And usually it gets the same mpg regardless. I pulled a trailer over the weekend up some hilly back roads for 60 or so miles roundtrip and still got 14.5 on the last tank.