Gas prices- wtf?

Well how much do you think they make a gallon?

$1 candy bar won’t, but you’re missing the point of getting mad at a company over their profit margin. You’re really going to get mad at a house builder that he wants $300,000 for a house when it costs him $270,000 to make? 10% is a baby profit margin, yet you’re the type to sit here and say “Look at him making $300K” by looking at the gross not net.

If you really don’t like oil companies and their prices, do it yourself and buy yourself a diesel.

If you’re not willing to put all that work into getting your own gas and you want others to do that for ya, then sit down and stay quiet.

Im thinking they must make atleast $1 per gallon when its at about $3 now.

Diesel really isnt cheap either. I had to fill the truck at work today and it was $2.899. That truck gets 9 mpg and its a 4 banger diesel.

:rofl PJB understanding science !

If gas stations made a dollar a gallon profit we’d be seeing mid $3 a gallon prices right about now :ponder

And a beautiful thing about Diesel is that you can make your own with biodiesel.

You can always run full on electric as well…

The way the prices are going up we’ll be seeing it for that price in a week or two.

dude, stop worrying about gas prices…

consider this…

GUY A stresses out over gas prices going up, spends more money

GUY B knows he cant do shit about gas prices, spends more money

SO whats the difference? GUY A spends money AND stresses out, bitches up a storm, grows grey hairs, and has a negative thought process going on…

GUY B…spends more money

just be GUY B and shut up about gas prices

PJB, why do you need a truck? “Because I really love it” dosen’t count…

Well my main reason is that paying more makes me have less cash to spend on other shit. It sucks being broke.

One of the main reasons I got it was to haul my quad around and then I can also tow my car with it if I have to. I was able to tow my quad with my old car but really I didnt trust going far with it like that. Now I can haul one and tow another on a trailer if I have to like last weekend.

Doesn’t the fact that you can apparently barley afford to fuel the truck point to the possible fact that you are living beyond your means?

Not being a dick, as I lived that way for too long.

Well right now Im able to afford what Ive got. Sure not much extra but Ive got stuff I want.

If I dont get it now Ill never be able to.

Do you live at home??

Yeah, why?

You need a truck to tow, you don’t need an '06 Truck to tow.

Basically it points down to this, you want to save money and spend less but you buy a new(er) truck.

You want to spend less on gas, yet your DD is a truck.

You don’t like buying gas, yet you didn’t buy a diesel or electric.

You want certain things, but you don’t do a damn step towards them. :ohnoes

i just spent 40$ on 5 gallons, get over your failure of a life PJB.

Life gets even harder when you leave.

I wanted the newest truck I could afford. I didnt want some old POS. When I bought it gas was cheaper (less than $2). I dont need a 3/4 ton or bigger truck so a diesel was out of the question.
The only electric trucks Ive seen are baby trucks- S10’s and Rangers and theyre useless for hauling since the batteries take up bed space.

Race gas is not a necessity.

Ill bet it does.

ok christy crybaby, how about this, i just put 30$ in my gti, 30$ in my toyota, and bought 40$ of race gas. … math says, 100$ in fuel in 2 days. gee willikers.

paul doesn’t use race gas. he uses 87octane. his truck gets 12mpg.

thanks for clarifying that.

if i were a broke 27/8 year old i wouldnt have bought a gas hog, newish truck, i would have bought preloved, Diesel truck for far less money and get better fuel mileage.

Ill bet if I filled both of mine and my quad it would be over $100. The car runs on 93 and so does the quad.
Luckily Ive only had to put gas in the car once in the past year.