Gas prices- wtf?

Man i hate to get into this one.If the price goes up a few times a day and they do not get a delivery it is not price gouging.Some of these sations have an allocation(storage) where ever they have a contract with certain ports,plus as long as the market changes and the price at the station changes and stays within a certain percentage over what they payed for it it is still not gouging.It is coming into holiday season so they prices are gonna fluctuate alot.Just my .02

i payed like 2.84 for premium Wednesday , i went back yesterday and it was 3.03 I was kinda surprised it jumped that much in 2 days.

Nobody “wants” to drive an old beater everyday, nor have to put extra money into “every month” to maintain it. However, I personally dont care about what people think of what i drive…if it makes them feel good to make a 2,3,400 car payment each month on something they will never “own” nor be able to sell for close to what they payed for then thats good for them. Makes me laugh, and reminds me that i think i’m making some good financial decisions.

And i hate gas prices going up everyday for ‘no reason’ either as much as the next guy, but i know i’m not going to do anything about it in the forms of lobbying, complaining, writing letters or even researching what makes the prices flucuate, so i’m gonna just pay what it is and get on my life. Like singh said, no point in stressing over something you really cant do much to change…

Lifes too short to sweat the small shit

and just remember how much it cost to fill up a full size truck when the gas was $4+ / gallon, thats what keeps me sane when i see it creeping back up to < $3/g

+1. I dont like owning a beater, but at least it is paid off.

i havent paid for GAS in over two months so i cant complain and ive only seen a $.10 hike in fuel prices over the last two months. so i cant complain

I paid 2.95 a gallun for 93 octane. Took around 30 dollars to fill my Cobalt.


I dont know where youre fueling up but Ive seen diesel go from about $2.60 to $2.90+ in the past few weeks. The truck I drive at work is a diesel.

In Albany diesel is over $3.

well susan, i guess you are shopping in the wrong place

Ok Brenda but when Ive got a company gas card I dont normally look for the cheapest diesel, I just get it where and when the truck needs it.


I actually pay all my bills on time. I dont just stop sending money in to banks and Ive got insurance on my truck and car and quad.

No debt collectors are looking for me.

How is it that PJB makes a thread complaining about gas prices, one of the most universal things for people to complain about, and gets ripped on for it? Give the guy a break once in a while, its a perfectly reasonable thread to start. Not even going to touch the other 4 pages of nonsense.


peanut jelly butters

insert child molester

I’m almost wondering if this bump may be caused by the fact that its the end of summer and people are beginning to drive less. Gas station owners could be bumping prices to offset the difference in numbers of pump visits.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I believe NY state law says you can’t raise the price more then 15 cents per day but does not state how many times in one day.