Gas Prices!

Yeah i know, $600 is a lot to fork over…for me anyways at this point in time.

A new block is more. Just something to consider.

Here we go…

Sure gas prices are high…complaining is not going to do anything about the situation though. If you don’t take it to an extreme we NEED gasoline for something as simple as daily commuting. Think of the things that you spend money on that you don’t NEED.

For example: If a smoker stopped smoking, the amount of money they would save every week would pay for the gas they use in their vehicles twice over, maybe more.

     This does not just include smoking. If you go out and party every week, which can get rather expensive after the alcohol and etc, you can slow that down or not party as much. 

     There is a main issue as to why we as a country are facing the issues we are facing and it has nothing to do with the war or with the president. It has to do with the fact we as American like to purchase things using credit or loans. Cars, homes, bikes, toys, etc. Instead of investing first to pay for the new toy we just go and buy it with money that really isn't ours. It is because when we want something we want it now and we can't wait for a year to save up in order to buy it. 

     For example. I know that in the future I want a really nice house. So instead of waiting until then and taking our a massive loan to buy it, I am going to make my money work for me and buy the house without me barely doing a thing. How: I purchased a two family home for 75K. The two rentals pay for all the expenses included with owning the house. It will be paid off in 3 more years. At that point, the money left over after paying taxes, etc will be about 1K per month. So when I am ready to buy my house I will have $1000/month in income to pay the mortgage for me. Anyway, if we all thought this way, we would be in a much better situation.

Not even close.

Americans didn’t start buying pointless things recently. We’ve been doing that as a society for many many years. I’ll agree in regards to the housing market where banks/people took on loans that they could not repay but our education problems, rising gas prices, increased household goods, and shitty health insurance is not due to your reasons.

Basically, I mean’t our situation of consistantly being in debt. And yes I was focusing more on that than anything else. We may have been this way for many many year but wasn’t then that it matter. Now is when it matters becasue we are in a bind. If we were all more debt free than we are now things would be better is all I am saying.

But about you saying our shitty health insurance? Our health care in this country is very difficult to beat, we pay for that with high insurance costs. PLEASE PLEASE don’t tell me you are one of the people that believes in a socialist style health industry much like that in Canada? God the problems we would have…

the health care doesn’t need to be free/subsidized, but the fact is it’s overpriced up the ass.
mostly because the medical education costs are absurdly inflated, along with the enormous malpractice insurance policies all medical workers have to carry.
due to, you guessed it, lawsuit-happy douchebags who are happy to sue them for millions if something were to go wrong.

We didn’t have a debt until GWB/Iraq War. I believe before that we actually had a surplus. Also, before that as a nation we weren’t frugile. I am not sure where your information is coming from?

I could care less about 3rd world countries or Canada. Our Health Care has a TON of problems. It’s been a big hot topic for years. If it is not a problem, why is that so?

Yeah wont be too many more SUV’s and more of the Smart cars :haha

gas prices suck…but have you seen diesel prices? big trucks that deliver everything dont run on gasoline.

$5.XX here. :frowning:

diesel is cheaper to make and more available than gasoline but somehow over the last 6 years the price of diesel exceeds gas…hmm somthing doesnt sound right. The govt. even put out a fake idiot graph and letter showing how a barrel of crude oil makes more gas per barrel than diesel (lie) in order to show why diesel is more expensive than gas now ( to drive up the price with a lie to fool the idiots)

That’s fucking insane!

the cost of medicine is also rediculous, many of the medicines out there are not as effective as advertised.

Gas is bad but it could be worse, for example in europe it is very expensive. If you truely like driving, like i do, you dont complain about gas prices. I pay 4 dollars a gallon and i could care less, it would have to be a couple dollars more for me to stop driving. I have just changed my habits a little bit, thats all. I am trying to get as much driving int he camaro as possible, because i know some day i wont be able to use it because of either gas shortages, gas prices, or alternate fuel.

It’s definitely fun to speculate what we’re gonna see on the roads in another 10-15 years.
i’m betting on electric driven cars with gas generators, smart-like econoboxes and lots of motorcycles :nod

I have started walking to ork on nice days. The Lexus is a 16mpg v8 that is factory tuned to take premium. A tank of gas cost me about $85 and last a week. During summer when I am driving more it pay probly about $150-$200 for gas a week

both of my cars get over 30mpg on the highway, one takes whatever you throw at it, other is premium or greater, ive driven my GTI over 1000 miles since thursday, but got 36mpg average on the trip. i fill my tanka t around 1/4 tank so it doesn appear to cost as much, 9.5-10 gallons.

gas prices are fucking bullshit. there isn’t even a legitimate reason for it. fucking dumb. the truck is killing me, i had to clay-bar and wax it to try and make it as aerodynamic as possible. lol seriously though i went through $80 in gas in 2 trips saturday night. used ALL of it. Thank god for a daily thats better.

you’re fucking kidding me right? :wtf the NATIONAL DEBT has been racking up since the fucking boston tea party.
the united states spends more money on policing the world rather than spending the money here on our shores. what we NEED to do is go back to an isolationistic society once instituted by FDR (thats franklin delano roosevelt for you youngins) and stop the migration of foreigners who INSTANTLY become dependant on welfare and other government subsidized programs… healthcare being a MAJOR factor. lock down the borders, cut all the barter agreements and live off the resources available within our own country… WHY THE FUCK are we exporting oil we drill here and pay TWICE the amount for the same shit from the ARABS?! it just doesnt make sense. GWB was NOT the one to institute these policies… he just happens to be the fall guy because he is in office when DECADES of poor economic management are finally comming to a boil and everyone wants a scapegoat.

i stand corrected… the isolationist policy was teddy roosevelt… same family… just older…

Franklin DelanoR Roosevelt :rofl

when clinton was in office we were actually in the money not out of it