GAS WAR - an idea that WILL work


:jawdrop: If not fired, then beaten. Not verbally. Like, with a bat.


Worst part was there were at least 5 idiots that hit Reply to all to say it was a scam and to take them off the email distribution list.


Why hasn’t the government stepped in and tapped the reserves? Or why have they not taken the Oil companies to court like they did Microsoft? Because they make $$$ from the taxes. Why should Congress pass any laws? Those fuckers all have expense accounts and don’t pay for shit.


Because they have more important things to do than worry about protecting our God-given right to drive huge inefficient vehicles without paying a premium for it.

Much of the world pays 2-3 times as much as we do, FYI.


Why hasn’t the government stepped in and tapped the reserves? Or why have they not taken the Oil companies to court like they did Microsoft? Because they make $$$ from the taxes. Why should Congress pass any laws? Those fuckers all have expense accounts and don’t pay for shit.


The strategic oil reserves are not for keeping gas prices low so you can drive your 8mpg Viper. They are there so if there is a major disruption due to war or natural disaster our economy doesn’t grind to a halt.
Notice the reasons we have dipped into them in the past.

Besides, crude isn’t the problem. Crude stockpiles are in great shape. The problem is we can’t turn enough of it into gasoline fast enough. Thank the greenies that have blocked any new refineries from being built since the 70’s. Wait till a hurricane comes ripping through the gulf this summer and knocks a couple refineries offline, then you’ll see what real high gas prices are.


Because they have more important things to do than worry about protecting our God-given right to drive huge inefficient vehicles without paying a premium for it.


-your joking right?

Much of the world pays 2-3 times as much as we do, FYI.

-irrelevant to this topic


The strategic oil reserves are not for keeping gas prices low so you can drive your 8mpg Viper. They are there so if there is a major disruption due to war or natural disaster our economy doesn’t grind to a halt.
Notice the reasons we have dipped into them in the past.

Besides, crude isn’t the problem. Crude stockpiles are in great shape. The problem is we can’t turn enough of it into gasoline fast enough. Thank the greenies that have blocked any new refineries from being built since the 70’s. Wait till a hurricane comes ripping through the gulf this summer and knocks a couple refineries offline, then you’ll see what real high gas prices are.


there have been disruptions lately. Few months ago we dipped into the reserves.

^ The recent disruptions have been refinery disruptions (a fire, and a schedule maintenence that went bad). No amount of crude oil is going to help that.

It’s called reading, instead of listening to people running for office blather on about anything that gets them poll points. :wink:

I dont really have a problem at all with $2/gal. $3/gal is ok, and $4/gal is starting to get alot, but when it hits $5/gal then ill start bitching…

But, it is what it is, and theres not a whole lot we can do about it. I go to the pump and pay what it says, i will continue to do so even if its $8/gal… Il just be broke…


Because they have more important things to do than worry about protecting our God-given right to drive huge inefficient vehicles without paying a premium for it.

Much of the world pays 2-3 times as much as we do, FYI.


I suppose so… But theres no doubt that oil companies are raping us.

And, ‘Venezuela $0.12’ WHAT THE HELL? 12 cents a gallon? HOLY SHIT… I could fill my tank for $2? HAHA…

Well i love my car so i’ll pay the price to drive it but i’ll not be getting gas from EXXON and MOBIL… So if you need gas dont get it from EXXON and MOBIL!


The message was stupid, and stupidity can stop with you.


thanks pal


but i’ll not be getting gas from EXXON and MOBIL… So if you need gas dont get it from EXXON and MOBIL!


OMG… Did you even read the link I posted? Here, let me quote it for you…

That’s also what’s wrong with an alternative proposal offered by many readers: singling out one brand of gasoline to “concentrate” the impact. Unfortunately, when you concentrate zero impact, you still end up with zero impact.
Big Oil companies like ExxonMobil and Chevron make very little of their money from retail gasoline sales. Most gasoline is sold at convenience stores, and even those with Big Oil company logos are mostly independently owned by people who make just a few cents on every gallon. Many of these store owners have invested their life savings to set up shop. Those are the people you’ll hurt if you target a single brand; refiners will simply sell the gasoline to other outlets.

But Jay, that would mean that the only way to reduce demand would be to use less! :jawdrop: There’s got to be a way to reduce demand and thus lower prices without actually driving fewer miles and doing it in more efficient vehicles! We shouldn’t have to lower ourselves to the cultural driving standards of third world countries like France and England! Afterall, this is America! Fuck yeah!

I buy from Sunoco, its always cheaper


We shouldn’t have to lower ourselves to the cultural driving standards of third world countries like France and England! Afterall, this is America! Fuck yeah!



V8s Fuck Yeah
8MPG Fuck Yeah:headbang:

Spending 1/5 of you net pay on gas Fuck? Yeah?


But Jay, that would mean that the only way to reduce demand would be to use less! :jawdrop: There’s got to be a way to reduce demand and thus lower prices without actually driving fewer miles and doing it in more efficient vehicles! We shouldn’t have to lower ourselves to the cultural driving standards of third world countries like France and England! Afterall, this is America! Fuck yeah!


BikerFry for President!!! FUCK YEAH!

Shop at tops and get the gas discount with your bonus card? :gotme:

Redeemed mine 2 months ago and got gas for $1.50 a gallon.Im up to 800 points now so that is 80 cents off.


I get my gas at Tops. Anyone know who supplies them?

arg trucking supplies delta, tops, and mobil


Why hasn’t the government stepped in and tapped the reserves? Or why have they not taken the Oil companies to court like they did Microsoft? Because they make $$$ from the taxes. Why should Congress pass any laws? Those fuckers all have expense accounts and don’t pay for shit.


No. The answer is: LOBBYING.

Not much in this Land of the Free is actually free, and when any party tells people they want to make things more free, they really mean that they want to stick it to the citizen where they won’t notice. Does anybody wonder why corporations give so much to campaign funds, or are we really that oblivious in America?


Want your gas bill to go down? Drive fewer miles in a more efficient vehicle.



Some people just don’t get it.