This is incredible. I hate to say it but I’m really not shocked that people are so closed minded as to worry about same-sex marriage. How is it going to affect YOU? How will it influence your day to day life? Oh, right, it won’t. If you aren’t a part of the solution, you’re a part of the problem. There’s this thing called, “progress.” You think this is bad why exactly? I don’t understand how some people base their views on religious texts but… are not religious? WAT. Every single person has a right to be happy and unoppressed, THAT is what our country was founded on. There is also a right to oppose tyranny. How is interfering with one’s right to be happy not tyrannical? “Hey, let’s oppose something that literally won’t affect the vast, striking majority!”
Go back to your fortified compounds, put on your tin foil hats, worry about Obama’s birth certificate, and claim to be a Tea Party supporter. While you’re doing that, fuck your own face.
I agree with the majority of your post but calling this decision “progress” is where I disagree. Not that this new law is a step backwards but I certainly wouldn’t call it progress.