So since its legal for a dude to fuck a dude in the ass and then marry him, whats next?

A guy sticking his dick in a tree is going to be able to legally marry that tree?

The amount of ignorance, mis-guidedness and lack of education shows in at least half the posts. People are battling “theories” as if the only theory they buy into is therefor fact. Cossey, you adhere to a theory, one that was well respected at its time and has since been fairly well debunked by many scholars. Singh appears to have the best handle on the majority opinion of most scholars and the summary many studies support. The Twins studies show interesting data that included the environment being a large past, and genetics take a sizeable role… but the self-selection make the studies falable to a point…
Len, you have your own theories on ,“progress”… a word you chose, and many like minded people do agree, as evidenced by the balance of political power, but many feel this progress you speak of is quite the opposite. I am not saying its not a step forward or back, but making a comment.

This thread is big on discussion, and theory, and short on fact so posts should be in discussion format, not factual.

My mind has just been blown away by this logic…The argument for gay marriage has been been lost because of this amazing theory…

I agree with the majority of your post but calling this decision “progress” is where I disagree. Not that this new law is a step backwards but I certainly wouldn’t call it progress.

Not comparing you to them at all

Just your kind of person isn’t real that is all.

rednecks and hillbillies are fake like Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy and Jesus?

That’s not how he meant it, and it’s not how I meant it.

Youre talking about - PJB actually doing something to improve his life instead of bitching about on the forum - type fake.

Your statement was that they aren’t people, so in other words you view them as subhuman. So therefore the inferance can be made that you think they don’t have the right to live a happy prosporus life. Which is really no different from one of them saying your just an ignorant backwoods hick and the world would be better if you were dead.

The mystery is solved PJB is a ficus


If none of you are a homosexual then in all actuality this law does nothing to affect your life. So whats the big deal?

It actually does effect all of us… will have an impact on social security, possible health insurance costs. Tax brackets will change for others… there are things that will impact all of us. I’m not saying I’m against it by all means… but when people say it has no effects on us, they’re wrong.

Hey guys, being Jewish is a CHOICE, and they force on us publicly by wearing hats and putting up churches.

Let’s _________ them all!


Yes it will impact those things, but by what margin? Ok so a few thousand more people might file jointly and be able to get on their "
spouses" health insurance. In the big picture of things its an insignificant drop in the bucket. The main arguement is and always will be the morality if you will of the decission.

didnt that already happen once?

Yes, you missed your chance to participate and be tried for War Crimes or be shot in the head for your actions PJB.

You were born too late and half way around the world over.

You can still try to practice it, see how far you go.

I see what you’re saying. Let me re-phrase how I said that. It won’t affect us in a social sense.

And really PJB? A fucking holocaust joke? That’s disgusting.

PJB - The Ginger white supremacist.

Its ok because he will be stuck at some shit ass job living, and living in his parents attic for the rest of his life