By this logic, lights out kissing dudes is the same as hetero… and lights out letting a Guy suck you off is same as hetero. I mean really? Turn out The lights and go down On a chick she might as well be a lesbian!!

for the record , i dont care what people do behind closed doors . i dont HATE homo,s and think they should be shot . but the bullshit they push for and shit is just dumb as hell i .m .o . i had a tranny uncle and he got killed for his belief,s bbut ya shoulda seen what it did to his family and shit when he had the stem pulled off of his apple .

Uh… Yeah.

this thread is disturbing, and i deff have a lot less respect for some members on here now.

everyone saying it should be called something different, your argument is they same they used for separate but equal, calling it something besides marriage will inherently unequal to marriage. the constitution says we all have the right to pursue life, liberty and happiness, gays need to be included in this, there marriage isn’t affecting you or taking away anyone else’s rights so there is no reason it isn’t there. i’m very happy new york finally realized that if gays want to be as unhappy as all the married hetero couples out there they should have that right.

and on a lighter note, i’ve already married 3 guys since it passed. and as like any other political thread cause i hate talking to people about it that have no knowledge on the subject, i’m out.

Yep. Lock this fuckin’ thread already, it’s ran it’s course.

only cause i really dont know u , are u gay ???

I will just say this, the majority of us strive for the pursuit of happiness. Two people who love each other, regardless of who, why when and where, should be able to act on that as long as its a mutual agreement and noone is getting hurt.

Last time I checked two dudes, putting rings on each others fingers hasn’t harmed anyone or anything. As long as its not hurting anyone, I say let people do whatever the hell they want.


Fags eat poop

Serious question…

How many guys can you bang before your gay?

Pleasuring a man with a socked foot 1 time does not make you gay

Under the dinner table?


According to Vlad if you do anything other than vaginal intercourse… you might as well be gay.

Vlad = PJB?


This is incredible. I hate to say it but I’m really not shocked that people are so closed minded as to worry about same-sex marriage. How is it going to affect YOU? How will it influence your day to day life? Oh, right, it won’t. If you aren’t a part of the solution, you’re a part of the problem. There’s this thing called, “progress.” You think this is bad why exactly? I don’t understand how some people base their views on religious texts but… are not religious? WAT. Every single person has a right to be happy and unoppressed, THAT is what our country was founded on. There is also a right to oppose tyranny. How is interfering with one’s right to be happy not tyrannical? “Hey, let’s oppose something that literally won’t affect the vast, striking majority!”

Go back to your fortified compounds, put on your tin foil hats, worry about Obama’s birth certificate, and claim to be a Tea Party supporter. While you’re doing that, fuck your own face.

PJB is not a sausage smuggler, he said it himself

I personally love the people that comment saying that its going to ruin the sanctity of marriage which is a huge joke. These idiots that get married and divorce have already ruined marriage. Marriage is getting a document from the state so the whole religion thing can get thrown out the window. Its a ceremony that is held at the church which you are now “married under god” which is how ever you want to take it. If gays should not marry and have kids then neither should any one who has ever broken a law as they could have a negative influence on a child also. Bunch of idiots and PJB you have to be by far the dumbest, most ignorant retard I have ever come across. Keep gagging at your bowel movements every morning you moron.

Since gay marriage became legal, psi2high sucked on 3 cocks.

All joking aside, who the fuck cares what gays do… I have my own worries in life. I like getting pussy alot, maybee people should stop sitting home on their computers worrying about gays and shit and go meet some girls to fuck. Just an idea.

so youre comparing me to a fag? i dont take kindly to that…

I’m just an ignorant asshole, im not deciding anything just stating how i feel about queers