Why men and women like each other is generally based on what they are taught by their parents and other influences. Don’t forget that most young chilidren (under say, six or seven years old for example) tend to think children of the opposite sex are “weird” and try to stay away from them. Cooties, or w/e they call it. If the people who are influential in their life told them to continue thinking like that, you think a male child will randomly think “This guy’s crazy, I want a girl to touch”? The excuse of it not being choice and a chemical imbalance is used by people who are afraid of being judged for choosing to go against the grain and putt from the rough. Talk to some gay people and ask them if they choose to be gay or if a chemical imbalance caused it. Most gay people I’ve met chose to be gay.
As far as people liking fat chicks… Really? That’s also a choice as they are more attracted to fat chicks, so a perference, or choice, is made. You think a chemical imbalance caused people to like fat chicks?
Are you really that ignorant Vlad? Yes, I wake up every morning and look at the post-it note on my night stand that says “Don’t forget: You like women!”
It’s not a choice made every morning when someone gets up, nor is it something they need to constantly remind themselves to continue doing. Once the choice is made, they stick by it. If they feel they’re failing with their choice, they will reevaluate other options and then make another choice. Same as any other problem solving process.