holly fucking facepalm…

ITS GENETICS, then shaped by denial/choice after

animals just FUCk each other because its their instinct to do so… they werent put under peer pressure growing up and being told they should fuck and reproduce…

same goes with kids… yeah its there… but it doesnt change the fact humans are gay / straight by genetics…

and as far as you talking about kids 4-5 years old… ya cuz theydidnt grow any hair on their balls / vagina yet and dont even a sex drive so they dont know wtf they want… thats another reason i say its genetics/science

if a dude likes a fat chick its most likely because he cant get a better looking one, and is turned on by a fat chick over time because hes used to getting that pussy, its either that or none…

I know dudes who say they never liked skinny girls but thats a god damn lie