I think we’re in the Jelly vortex now, I can’t tell which way is up.

ill say it twice for slow readers…and PJB…omg, really? lol Happy Birthday BTW


whats next there gonna let pedo,s out of jail just cause thats what they love and its suttin in there brain that tells em to be wit little kids and not peeps there own age ?

I think we should let PJB name the “marriage” or becoming of same same sex couple.


People are beating a dead horse over semantics.

There is no world wide definition of marriage. It varies greatly. It would have made sense to call it something else to get the same legal status.

I stay out of politics and dont like being a boss/leader

Have you seen the CP thread on here? :eek3

You run this forum, weather you believe and/or like it or not

i have , buttt most of it is legal bitches doing it for us ol pervs . our last argument was on how gays are gay cause there brain says to be right ? well if they wanna be ok with that generalazation why not let the pedo,s and baby rapers be good ? i mean thats what there brain is sayin is ok to do right ?

You ever heard of legally insane?

Some people kill others and are let off the hook.

Being gay isn’t illegal, having sex with a 16 year old is (in NY)

Are both “off” mentally/chemically… Perhaps.

Is one breaking the law? Yes.

What does it have to do with letting them out?

Vlad… whats a law? As of yesterday it was against the law for two men to marry in NY… dont quote laws as part of the argument…silly

For the record, I can only assume 1/3 of the males on this site have touched another mans junk… orthe schools started queering the soup from an early age. Oh, parden the pun.

Good deal, I have no problem with this at all. But at least now more important issues can be focused on. The assembly is reconvening on Monday.

Law is an amendment to the bible.

Old testament wasn’t enough to control modern societies with the basic rules so governing bodies entered their own clauses.

Don’t get me started on laws because I won’t defend them.

Only reason I talked about them is because Slowmarro brought jail people into this argument as he always does and talks about letting them go.

because , gays are using a menatl defect or whatever they call it for being gay as a weapon basically so they can have all the same rights normall people do . well if ya follow that logic , the perv that is in love wit a 5 month old should be left to be right ? what is good for one is good for another right ? im not sayin the the freeks out cause that is horrible butt it is one in another right ?

so religion and laws need to be coformed so people can do as they please ??? that isnt right i.m.o

People are animals and will do as they please until somebody else doesn’t like it and bans the action whatever it may be.

You want reality for this situation… here ya go… Why cant a marriage be 3 people. Why can’t little Hanna have 3 moms. Tell me

Slippery slope, maybe to a good place, maybe not… but answer the riddle none the less, using the same logic as gay “marriage”…

Where the fuck is the IQ of the common man… cant pick and choose… civil liberty issue again

right , butt why have laws if there gonna just change em ?