You can’t use that argument.

Gay adults are volunteering if you will towards am activity.

Raping a child isn’t consensual or legal, THAT IS NOT a comparison.

Gonna agree with ya V-Man to a point here… but see the other point…

but its a mental defect . the same exscuse the gays use . i dont think your understanding me cause i cant type for shit and get lost wit words lolol

How is that an argument?

Why create life if the child will die in the end?

Why have speed limits if not all will follow them?

Do you understand that you need laws to have a society but laws aren’t perfect and society and cultures change and evolve? The law will have to adjust accordingly as it has for thousands of years.

Thus the reason the constitution is not a living document as it is used and why we should adhere closely.

Agree with some of that

First of all let’s get things straight. Homosexuality is not a metal defect it’s a chemical imbalance. So stop being hung up on that word as your crutch.

You know about the amendments right?

if they say , IM GAY CAUSE MY BRAIN TELLS ME TO BE its a defect lol. would u suck a penis in normall day ? prolly not buttt if ya sucked a penis when ya fell and hit your head or drunk u had a defect going man

It’s not either of those things. It’s a choice, whether anyone says it is or not. Who you’re attracted to has nothing to do with a chemical imbalance.

I cant believe you spelled that right! Yeah… I am all about them…but too many today want to toss the framework out the window…ammendments are definately an important part for some topics… its the framework that shouldnt be destroyed. Im basically agreeing with some of your thoughts, even though its sattire

thanki u … i said that a long time ago in another thread and got flamed for it

So why do females like men?

Why do men like females?

Who should a man in a womens body or vise versa be attracted to?

Why do people like fat chicks?

All of this is taught in first grade? Must have missed that one.

LOL, do you REALLY want to start that topic now?

Might have to :lol

FYI. Being bisexual is a choice.

A GAay one…lol

What the fuck does that have to do with ANYTHING?

I believe it’s a hormonal imbalance that may cause some to sway towards a certain sexual preference. This is not to say that some don’t choose to be gay for other reasons. Some may even sway towards it because of traumatic experiences (sexual abuse, etc). I don’t care what they do, it’s not affecting me negatively at all. Some of the nicest people I know are homosexual and if they are happier now, that’s quite alright by me.

I don’t care if anyone flames me for that, it’s my opinion.

Now do they seem “different” to you in their behavior and character or are they completely normal bro mentality and they chose to go on lark street instead of downtown.

being gay CANNOT be a choice, there is def some science in there… gay dudes all got the same tendencies and same patterns in the way they walk and talk …

like vlad said, why are women attracted to men and vice versa? because of choice? nah lolool its def genetics

I’m starting to wonder, these guys who say its a choice must wake up every day and tell themselves to remember to like women today.

I’m sorry I don’t chose to love women, I just do.

If you need to chose to do so, I’d worry.

Maybe we should start a class, every 5 years you need to get recertified to make sure you still like women. Charge for it and make bank!!!