Gay Wheelie Gone Bad.

The fags got what they had coming to them just for being douche bags, but the poor innocent bike never did anything wrong. Sucks that it got wrecked like that.

One weiner per bike rule… Enough of the gay hate though, really. Does two guys in the same car make them fags? That always confused me.

only if it’s a convertible



this was better than expected.

from experience of riding a RC i must say they aren’t the easiest bikes to wheelie, but also , a 2 up wheelie is WAY easier then by yourself.

but still these guys are gay for the fact of no gear and because they look like fagots

Wish we could see the aftermath


He never even let off the throttle. What an idiot.

Is it then save to say that he “Yutughh’ed”?

K.A.T. you still have that RC?

Good way to get rid of the old lady…

Good way to lose the old lady?

The best.


LOL /thread.

The slipper at the end!

lol, this is stupid but the song is hilarious for some reason

That made me lol.

With the music to the video it’s so dumb you hafta laugh lol