G'day mates! welcome me home;)

hey guys just wondering if there will be any meets in the GTA in August, I get back from my eight month journey through australia end of this month and can’t wait to get my s13 out on the road/track. I’ve been lucky enough to take a R34 out on a test drive, I’ll tell you all about it. wow what a rush!! see you soon!

Hey welcome back :slight_smile:
you must of had an amazing time, give me a shout when you get ur car back out!

There are lots of meets, but foreigners aren’t invited.


Did you eat a vegemite sandwich?

hey sexy. I’m not back YET, END of the month I will return…but none the less I will call you!!! by the way I highly recommend a trip down under to everyone!!!

Yeah sounds good.

Yeah sounds good.[/quote]



:lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

dude, I’m not a picky person and I’ve tried vegemite many a times, that shit is rank!!! i’ll let aussies take care of that thank you very much!!! however I have come to love kangaroo meat aswell as crocodile…I will miss it dearly.