GED people, step in

Okay, long story short I dropped out when I was 15 because work > school.

Went to those pre GED classes, and when you arrive they give you a version of the GED test to see how you would score. I scored 97%

They said, well there isnt anything we can teach you, but you cant take the test until you are 17.
Basically sit in these classes for 2 years and do nothing then take the test.
Well I didnt, I worked instead. Now I’m thinking about going to take the test, I found one this weekend and I’m going to see if I can get in.

Is it hard? I’m afraid I’ve probabaly forgotten everything that hasnt been used in every day life. I dated some real idiot girls who passed it, so I’m assuming its not hard, but I’d like first hand opinions.

Cost? it wasnt listed on the site and its too late to call, I’d feel like an asshole casserol if I paid out the ass then failed it.

It still takes like 5 hours right? so like I can be in there testing by 9 am and be home by like 3pm ?
any good online sites where I can refresh for the next 4 days?

if you can use a spoon you will pass the GED test i think its three parts you shouldnt have a problem.

I’m really good with a spoon, so awesome.

From what i heard (like 3 years ago) it was pretty easy, however one of my friends got like a 67 lol.
^ there are all the areas it covers if you scroll down, and just refresh yourself. im assuming you’re allowed to use a calculator but who knows

good luck, im sure you will do fine

ecc offers free training/tests

Ugh I’m going to fail hard.
Last Time I was fixing a car, I knew how many minutes it was going to take, and surely If I said it was going to take “p minutes”. the customer would have punched me in the face.


And put your flamesuit on.

Yes, I’m use to the childish behavior that goes on around here.
That red button below people names will be out in full force in this thread.

yea, i dont know that question either lol.
im assuming it’s part over whole.

she can type a page in X minutes
so it would be 5/x … i think lol

I had to close the algerbra, it was making me hate life. I just breezed thru the rounding shit tho.

and remember u dont have to do perfect…
if you dont know the answer to a question, just skip it and go to the next question, and go back to the questions u skipped if u have enough time

thanks deebo.

yea, im looking at the advance math right now lol, i highly doubt any of that will be on there

no problem, hope that site helps you out a little bit

My life would be so much different if I was bad at math.

After going thru most of this, I never was bad at math in school.
I was an A student when I dropped out, I’m just trying to think back and the math final I took the last time I was in school, was the last time I used algerbra as far as I’m aware.

Everything in life can be figured out by basic function.

If I’ve used it since then its been indirectly and I never identified it as algerbra in my head.


:tup: to getting your GED though.

Do you have any plans to go on from there?

I’d imagine the test is pretty easy, my dad studied for it in one day and passed it back when he was young and in the Marine Corp.

Something automotive. I want to fabricate, but I’m unsure as to the ill effects of welding on my eyeballs, I have enough eye problems as it is.
From the welders I’ve talked to, they all said its hard on your eyes, even with a really good mask.

I may end up going as a diesel mechanic tho. I have a feeling america is going to adopt 4 cyl diesel engines like the rest of the world very soon, and the need for people in that feild is going to be large.

Either way, 8$ an hour isnt going to pay the bills so I have to do something.

This past weekend I was in brooklyn and saw a lot of advertisement for getting your GED and 2 yr degree at the same time. maybe look into that route depending on your goal…

just did a quick google search and found these…

theres plenty more out there, all I did was search for “ged practice test”