GED people, step in

I am :frowning: I’ve always excelled in writing, science, history, etc. But was horrable at math. Don’t know why. I am great at problem salving, and just straight up figuring things out. But I am soooo bad at math.

back on topic. Thats great that you’re getting your GED man. :tup:. I wish you the best of luck bro.

I absolutely hate math

I remember you telling me not long ago that it used to be free, hopefully thats still the case.
I can help you out with the algebra crap
I may not remember a couple things but you know math is my best subject.
Hopefully you remember all the other crap tho, cause I know I wont be able to help you with it lol


Iwent for my ged a couple months ago and it was pretty easy. As long as you remember most of the stuff from when you went to school your good. For me i was in a rush and failed one part of the test by 10 points. Now i have to go back and retest.

it is still free. i just signed up for mine last week. (was home schooled, only option if i want a diploma of any sort)

the questions really arent that bad. basic algebra and such.
just hit up the practice questions online and you should be good,.


Good luck though, I’m sure if you just take it seriously and do some of those refreshers you shouldn’t have a problem. Especially if you were an A student before you dropped out…

I was an A student in english, I just dont care about my spelling most of the time on here.

Consider yourself ahead of some college students right now.

I’m 25 grand in the hole with an associates degree, my girlfriend is 45 grand in the hole for a 4 year degree and top 10 in her graduating class.

Neither of us have found work in our fields. We have no less than 200 applications around the entire country right now.

We both have jobs that we hate, but they pay our bills and offer good benefits. We aren’t going to settle for it however.

what fields?

I was terrible at math, and I became a Machinist.

Than i got good at math, fast :biglaugh:


Industry is screaming for knowledgeable qualified individuals, and IMHO after this recession, the demand is going to be even greater. If your good, you can make allot of money and go far.

I would say other than math and english, highschool is a complete waste of time(As far as academics are concerned, definately needed for social life lol). And 100 level classes in college pretty much go over everything you learned anyways…

yea… 7 hour days, 5 days a week in highschool :cjerk:
i go to class @ college 3 days a week for 4 hours a day and have 4 months of breaks

Even if you dont feel like you need a degree, just go to college so you know how retarded highschool is, and how much bullshit they put in your head lol

I have a relative, that is not the brightest crayon in the box, and he passed it.

yeah 100 level classes are so easy they shouldn’t even be considered college classes.

Im not talking shit by any means but I never understood why people drop out of highschool. Especially to work… because in the long run, that’s all you’re going to be doing for the rest of your life… especially with no degree.

But total :tup: to getting your ged. I know a lot of people who have taken it, sadly, but every single one of them passed without studying.

Well of course that depends on where you go, and your field of study. Take a 100 level chemical engineering class at an ivy league school and tell me what you think.

touche lol

yea i was more-so talking about english and math in general studies lol

as was I lol

deebo: really? math and english? lol. i pray you are never in a position to enact such changes.

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