GED people, step in

My cousin just started his management career with his 4 year degree. He is in charge of people but they make more than he does. 10 bucks/hour. Pitiful.

You are wasting your money if you major in Business Management for 4 years. I havn’t met many people who have been hired right after graduation in a management position. Concentrate in another field of business and complement your degree with an MBA.

Isn’t Jeg making $10/hour?

congrats on passing, despite some of the sentiments on here, it will open doors, you just have to walk through them.

Management positions from what I have seen always look for experience over education…within reason of course. Retail is its own animal.

I scored a 3090 for reference.

Education is great, but sometimes the real key is not what you know but WHO you know… A foot in the door can be more powerful than a diploma. That’s why a lot of schools really focus on internships/co-ops and the such towards the end of their curriculum. Network, Network, Network.

A lot of places will also pay for your schooling once you’re in. If you feel as though you can present yourself well, go try applying at geico, I know they have tuition reimbursement (and a pretty decent starting wage).

you have to be brain wash-able to get into geico. bunch of robots over there.