GED people, step in

Learning is not a waste, kinda.

Right out of HS I went to Alfred State for Autobody. I really love knowing how to fix cars, but I found out its not what I want to do everyday forever. So I went back to school for business Admin. And to me, having a business degree with no experience wont really get you anywhere (granted I could probably get into bodyshop management, but eh, I didnt feel that was going to be my plateau)

So thats two degrees. And in the Fall I start my third at RIT. Hopefully I can put all of them together some how. Like project management at an engineering firm, maybe having something to do with cars. But I’ll probably write that degree off as advanced hobby training. lol. Plus I got half off of probably 30k of snap-on and mac tools while in college. so that was nice.

Cliffs: it doesnt matter what you do, just do something. But go at it full force, dont half ass it with two classes because it will take you 4 or 5 years to get a 2 year degree doing that. Which is only a disservice to yourself. And dont worry about cost either. its all worth it. Get student loans if you have to. Dont be stupid with them (trust me, lol) and get your learn on!

this. i took the test last friday. super easy.
waiting on my results now.

your results may vary, but I took the test on jan 23rd and got my results on the 13th.

they said 4 - 6 weeks on average.

God I can’t believe how many of you there are. Good luck, I guess…

I was just thinking the same thing

just for the record the only reason i took it is because i was home schooled and graduated early. In my school district the only way for me to get anything equivalent to a high school diploma after being home schooled is to take the GED.

With the GED you can get into ECC no problem but I don’t think a GED alone is going help much. ECC and other schools offers free help with math or whatever else while you get your degree or certifications so this can definitely open some doors if you go to college. Good luck.

if I had a chance to do things over again, I would have done the same thing. 4 years of work > 4 years of eating lunch with kids who’m you’ll rarly see after highschool.

anyone know anyone who went to wyotech or anything like that? one of the hot rod schools?

shows your level of intelligence.

4 years of that + 4 years of college + 2 years graduate school > GED + 2 year degree.

But good luck with your endeavours.

who’m? Well, that’s a new one.

A friend of mine is convinced that he is excellent at math. He was put into the retard math classes and scored really well in them. Thats how dumb he is. So stupid that he doesnt even realize that he was taking retard math. He dropped out of HS soon after.

Karter, keep pushing forward with your education. It will keep your mind off that whore and when you get a good job you can rub her nose in it.

ILed at ‘who’m’… still trying to figure out that contraction

Articzap (dont know where hes been lately) on here went there. Went for High performance modifications and all that shit. Last i knew he was turning rotors and delivering parts of an auto parts store. IMHO Wyotech and UTI
just are not worth the price

when you figure it out let me know, I’m still trying to figure out why the hell I put the apostrophe in there.
No excuse, but I have been up since 3am.

Word, thats good to know, I wont waste my money to work at a parts store, Its not a bad gig, but you can do it without college.

The more I look at it, I’m considering business management of some sort. I can see a management position knocking down the kind of money I’m after.

At this point, I dont care what it is, I know I wont like it. I just would like to make more money.

plan on getting atleast a bachelors with a double/minor in something else to give you relevance to a field.


It seems like you are trying to take the easy/fast way through this. Getting an education is a very long process and requires a lot of work and dedication on your part. Don’t do it if you arent going to be serious about it. It’s too expensive to not give a damn.

Its also not like you will graduate school and go to a management position… .

Also beast name ever OH Healp…its Beast


I have an associates in management IMO it will not do much as you are not all that qualified for anything. Come the end of summer and I will have my Bachelors in Economics which I believe will be much more applicable toward real world jobs. However I don’t want to work so I am going to start a grad program after. What I am saying is try to get a degree in something that is actually a job and or skill.

I added the ‘a’ to satire the ‘healp’… I swear…