geek squad FTW

ahaha i was reading some things today and i came across

Good news! My iPod is functioning. I too had to go back to 7.4.3. in order for it work. I then had to de-select all the compatibility settings (that was a wizard of the manufacturers on my stupid PC cause it wasn’t obvious). Thats what finally worked. Unfortunately, I caved and called the Geek Squad; they couldn’t resolve it but at least my machine runs better.

if geek squad cant install itunes properly… LOL ?

thats all lol


That is all.


you actually added it? LOL. im gunna PM you a good list :ssh

Yea I added it, thats why i made the topic about it, n00by !

yea only pm me good ones tho

iTunes is a flaming piece of shit… :lol

i agree LOL why u think i even came across that LOL

im technically a part of geek squad. lol.

Lol, I am a Geek Squad agent…

im a part of the geek squad bashing agency

no im joking lol