german cars...need i say more

Its eassy on a jetta/bug once you get the motor mount out of the way.

Changes tires and oil… BTW cleans shop as well. May i ask your age please?
everyone knows german car parts are not cheap.

does not matter book rate is different from the time it may actually take

Originally Posted by ugososlow
Occupation: general service tech …Where?

i work at goodyear. i do change oil and tires. i do clean the shop quite well also. im getting my nys inspectors licences soon. im going to school next year for a bmw tech. im just sick of people complaining about the stuff we do for them, cuz its not fast enough, not cheap enough and none of those fck heads know what is involved. and by the way im 18 and i know german parts aren’t cheap. i own a bimmer. and may i ask how old you are and where do u work, hey and where do u see yourself in 5 years u stupid fck.

ha, youre unsmart

I feel your pain with customers. it happens everywhere. nobody wants to spend money on there car thats why nobody does preventitive maitnance these days. If I tell you. Your car is broke now you have to pay me x amount of dollars 9-% of people are going to bitch to try and get a better deal. as a former service writer i learned everyone will do this.People don’t care that you are running a business to make money they all think they are special.i got told by a customer once. what do you mean 78hr i wanna pay what the tech gets paid a hour. i replied with. the tech doesn’t pay to keep the lights on in the building.The tech does not keep the salesman in the door or pay for the property he is workingi n. i said it cost money to run a business and if the tech had to pay that you would def be paying 76hr.


I’m 64 and would like to be the greeter at Walmart in five years. Don’t get sand in your vagina. It was a simple question. I thought you were the owner working on your own car. Your first post is a bit unclear on that.

hey, look at that

you talk like you’re 18

you have the outlook of an 18yr old

and you treat people like an 18yr old, too

best of luck


well most of you are stuck up a$$holes

He’s 18, working, and wants to go to school. Better than most kids that ride mommy and daddy’s bank accounts through life or end up being a poor loser who gets my tax money because they were too lazy to better themselves.

Don’t see the point in knocking a kid who is actually trying to do something with his life :gotme:

Fucking AMEN.

i agree

Haha, good job

Yes, absolutely. That is why they invite people they don’t know, or have never met, to all the NYSPEED gatherings. BBQ, track days, parties at Twisted’s home, cruizes, etc., the list could fill a page. Man, Lighten up, don’t be so imature. We ALL have a lot to learn.

Really?Because those are not the people on welfare my friend. Most people that are on welfare come from welfare.They never expect anything out of life because thats how they saw there parents live.As a person they don’t see any wrong in it. i agree congrats to trying to make something out of yourself

Trust me, It’s not all 18 year olds…

guys i grew up on welfare. i dont want to live from pay check to pay check that sucks. its hard to afford parts then. and the stuck up a$$holes im mainly reffering to is like people that have ther mommy buy them a colbalt ss(nothing wrong with the car) and thinking its fast as shit. and also people that are just plain a$$fcks in general life.

please let thread die its over.its ok