German Shepard for sale.....

Originally posted by slowcamaro
my dog can be in the houswe for up to 12 hours and no accidents…i am blessed…i got a good yellow lab

yellow lab= a push over just chills and are friendly

Bo can be left alone with out any probelms what he gets pissed at for example is say I leave and forget like my ID tag for work and have to run back home. Well when I leave the second time he gets pissed then either tears up the trash (which is now hidden form him), Shits in the basment wher ethe bar is (now its fenced and he can’t get down) or pisses on something. We thought he was doing good until jenn just found this and unfortunatly there is no why we can tell.

Usually if we leave once and come back we have to stay there for at least 3 hours before we can leave again. :rolleyes:

forget the cage issue before it even gets brought up. That asshole did more damage in the cage. when we leave he usually just sleeps on the living room couch, which I can tolerate at this point especially since its not really used anyways. 99% of the time we are in the den and he knows he isn’t allowed on that couch.

yeah, we put him in the cage ONCE with his pillow inside it, and he pissed all over the pillow and all over the wall that the cage was next to.

Originally posted by huskysgrl
yeah, we put him in the cage ONCE with his pillow inside it, and he pissed all over the pillow and all over the wall that the cage was next to.
just leave the mutt outside


German shepards are awsome dogs…u kno if they dont piss all over your house

Originally posted by CREXSI
German shepards are awsome dogs…u kno if they dont piss all over your house

you don’t say :finger:

Originally posted by huskysgrl
He got fixed the day before we brought him home. They wouldn’t let us leave his manhood intact.

I think quik was talking about your dog, not your husband.


Originally posted by Darkstar
I think quik was talking about your dog, not your husband.


heh that was a good one :rolleyes:


I dont know what to say because chad’s dog pees on everythign that dont move. I would say if he is doign it in sames spots he is marking his territory to stop that get a special carpet cleaner that takes all smell from that area and that might help…

Originally posted by StangGirl5.0
I dont know what to say because chad’s dog pees on everythign that dont move. I would say if he is doign it in sames spots he is marking his territory to stop that get a special carpet cleaner that takes all smell from that area and that might help…

no he is just and asshole I remember one day about 5 months ago, Jenn was down stairs doing laundry. Well he went down stairs was looking at her, and she was like “What Bo” and he looked right at her lifted his leg and pissed on the wall. I remember her screaming and grabbing him in mid stream to take his ass out.

Originally posted by Sight N Sound
no he is just and asshole I remember one day about 5 months ago, Jenn was down stairs doing laundry. Well he went down stairs was looking at her, and she was like “What Bo” and he looked right at her lifted his leg and pissed on the wall. I remember her screaming and grabbing him in mid stream to take his ass out.
sounds like you guys suck at training a dog as stubern as bo

Originally posted by Quik
sounds like you guys suck at training a dog as stubern as bo

No Jenn sucks at training a dog stubborn as Bo. When you talk gibberish to a dog how can you expect him to take you serious. I would get so far with him and then she would kill what ever progress I had with “babying” him when shit would go wrong. She has slowly learned not to do that kind of crap and it was harder training her (not to sound like an asshole).

From the information we can gather when we got him the owner couldn’t take Bo with him when he moved so he gave him to his sister. His sister treated the dog like shit and ruined him. Now he is fucked in the head.

thats just my humble opinon. :embarass:

that sucks. so take him to school

invisable fence is no good… we had a very large chow… dog was cool as hell got the invisable fence and he never crossed it if you hooked him to a leech and me and my old man would try to pull him across and could not… the problem… fence keeps dogs in… not stupid ass kids out… had some 9 year old kid come running through the yard dog thought he was playing and jumped on him nip at leg etc… kids parents sued our homeowners for 60,000 and had to put dog asleep…tried to counter sue kids parents for a 9 year old beiing over a mile away from home with no parental supervison… no luck… also after all said and done found out that the people were on welfare and shit…insureance dropped my parents they had to get new homowners and the new company said that people try to pull that type of shit all the time … its almost and every day scam… i say if you have big dogs a regualr fence is the only way to go

Originally posted by vtecsol
invisable fence is no good… we had a very large chow… dog was cool as hell got the invisable fence and he never crossed it if you hooked him to a leech and me and my old man would try to pull him across and could not… the problem… fence keeps dogs in… not stupid ass kids out… had some 9 year old kid come running through the yard dog thought he was playing and jumped on him nip at leg etc… kids parents sued our homeowners for 60,000 and had to put dog asleep…tried to counter sue kids parents for a 9 year old beiing over a mile away from home with no parental supervison… no luck… also after all said and done found out that the people were on welfare and shit…insureance dropped my parents they had to get new homowners and the new company said that people try to pull that type of shit all the time … its almost and every day scam… i say if you have big dogs a regualr fence is the only way to go

dude, that sucks. Definetly getting a regular fence now!!!

my dog can go for about 10 hours without pissing in the house. The only time she cant hold it in is when she is sick, and when she goes in ths house she gets really nervous.

100lb chocolate lab.

The invisible fence has 6 settings to adjust to the size of the dog and multiple different settings.

Depending on the size of your yard it would be a really nice way. Fences are just as expensive and can be dug under or jumped over.

Invisible fence works by generating an digital AM radio signal through the cable in the ground. The field then sets the reminder off in the collar and the dog gets a shock. The shock is adjustable and well let’s just say I tried it on my hand and well I don’t think you’d have a problem stopping your dog. If you have a small yard though the fence generates a 3/4 foot field from where it’s installed on either side, so if you only have 15 or so foot on either side you might cut down the yard a lot. The field is adjustable but with big fast dogs the field has to be large so they can not just run through it.

I don’t think invisible fence covers lawsuits although we have a sign out front notifying them of the fence. It’s so much nicer than having an ugly chain link fence around the yard. German Sheperds are typically more aggressive towards things they don’t like than labs though. Labs are typically a south mouthed retriever so they don’t bite like a sheperd will.

As for your training issues, you have to catch him pissing on your floor, take him over rub his nose in it, he doesn’t like the smell either. Then put him outside. Also you both have to be consistent with your training, same words, same everything or else he’ll get mixed signals and not sure what to do. Use the same words, sit, stay, lay down, quit, stop, heel. Also use your voice as a tool, stronger more stern voice when he’s in trouble, and a happie gentle tone when he’s doing good.

Also as a woman you have to make sure your dog does not bully you around, my lab is very very alpha and he tries to bully us. Doesn’t work but he tries every chance he gets.

Originally posted by huskysgrl
dude, that sucks. Definetly getting a regular fence now!!!

^^^ I agree with everything on the training thing except the rubbing your dogs nose in it. It may work for some but I talk to 3 trainers and one of the guys I know who has a K-9 and they all agreed that is more of a myth. Some times it works but for the most part it don’t.

As for the fence I;m putting up its a 6 foot privacy fence in the back. Not a chain link. Ge just needs to be contained when he is contained he just lays there, only ti8me he runs off is when he makes a break for the door and gets by some one, other than that when he is on the lanyard or just out chilling in the back where I can watch him he lays there and does nothing. :dunno:

thats a nice puddle of piss u got there…


The thing about rubbing the dogs nose in it seems to be more of a myth…my dad did run a dog school and trained dogs in the USAF the most import and effective thing seems to be consistency and praise to the dog for going outside not to mention if you keep the dog kenneld up over night make sure the first place he goes when he comes out is outside to piss…