German Shepard for sale.....

Originally posted by CREXSI
The thing about rubbing the dogs nose in it seems to be more of a myth…my dad did run a dog school and trained dogs in the USAF the most import and effective thing seems to be consistency and praise to the dog for going outside not to mention if you keep the dog kenneld up over night make sure the first place he goes when he comes out is outside to piss…

Yeah he goes out every time before we leave and when we get home aside from his normal times which seemed to have been wired into him from his privious male owner.

stick a gun in his mouth and tell him if pisses on the floor again you’ll blow his brains out.

yeah, that will work… :eek3:

or just hit him with a stun gun

Mike has an airsoft gun that looks like a regular hand gun, and he pointed it at Bo once and he went crazy, barking and I thought he was gonna attack Mike.

quik:finger: :moon: :tounge:

enough about this damm pissing dog already:tounge:

bitch and whine that it’s locked, and then say “enough about the dog already” … make up your mind yet?

Originally posted by huskysgrl
bitch and whine that it’s locked, and then say “enough about the dog already” … make up your mind yet?
i could actually care less. its been a few days now. time for it to die. this is oftopic and just about anything can be typed. its all in fun so :finger:

why do u think i locked it!!!:rolleyes: