Getting all the trans fluid out of a 4T45-E...

I’m going to be doing a fair bit of regular maint on my car soon… and I figure I’ll drop the trans filter and put up a new one.
Two questions though…
First, is I’m putting AMSOIL ATF (ATLTP-EA, the Dexron VI replacement) and I realize the last time I did this on my old car… You only get out a few quarts of the Fluid, and the remainder is in the torque converter. Is there any way to get the fluid out of the converter as well, aside from a complete flush?
I’m trying to avoid a flush, as I’ve heard horror stories about it knocking metal shavings and crap free that can cause more problems than good… not to mention they wouldn’t throw AMSOIL in there.

and if I can’t get all the old fluid out, is it a bad idea to mix the exisiting Dex III with the new AMSOIL? Or should I just go with regular Dex VI?

whats wrong with using dex?

nothing really. But why not spend a bit more and go with a little bit better?
Not like it’s under extreme stress as a daily… So I was thinking about staying with Dex…
I keep waffling.
But reguardless, even if I stay with Dex… I’d like to empty out all the trans fluid if possible :]

I know GM posted a TSB saying Dex VI is compatible with Dex III in any quantity, but I’m not sure about amsoil.
Trans is in pretty awesome shape, and I’d like to keep it that way :expressionless:

you’ll never get it all out w/o complete disassembly. just change it and repeat in spring. I’m a chevy guy but i own a ford truck and think highly of ford putting a drain in my converter from the factory. i dont think most vehicle have this