Getting back into things....

I figured I would post this for the hell of it. And to hopefully help motivate myself back to normal. So heres my long story.

I’m sure everyone has experienced the laziness of non-activity and the continuous down slope it takes you on (lazy, tired, depressed, excuses not to do or go places). Mine has lasted about 1.5yrs. Most people gain weight, but if your like me you loose it (which being a slender guy to begin with sucks). Some of you know that I use to be extremely active and train in Muay Thai Kickboxing with the goals to compete. I went religiously 6 Days/week and went to 8 training classes in that week every week after work. My downfall began shortly after I won 4th place (out of 28 contestants) in my first continuous sparing competition in Calgary. Which I was proud of myself as I drove there by myself early AM and drove home that night with a dented shin and multiple bruises, my greatest weakness at the time was needed more cardio training…I ran out of steam which would have easily landed me second if my cardio was up to par. A month later I took a right heavy cross to my left boss toe as I was executing front leg head kick…(weird timing of moves. lol) It popped my toe and it stung I immediately pulled it and popped it back out and kept going. The next day my foot was soar as to be expected. The following week during a very heavy sparing session (private lesson with the instructor/fighter and intenseness set by my request) I shredded my right calf muscle (to spaghetti…still not sure to this day WTF happened. lol)). I was done after that. My goals and hard work faded away that day as competition try outs were the whole month of August and it was for the team for the whole year. My calve took six months to heal and my toe took almost a year of constant x-rays and pills only to find out that the ligaments behind the toe were torn and not healing. A pair of orthotics (special insoles) were molded to start the long healing process. Not being able to do what I had passion for sent me in a spiral of depression, I tried going back a few times only to have a feeling of failure from the shape I was once in to the embarrassing one I am currently. It was all just a state of mind and I was the only being hard on myself.

So 2009 is a new year and I bitch slapped myself and have decided Starting immediately I will be starting a small work out and stretching so for Monday May 4,2009 I WILL start up my training again but not with the hopes of competing (although possible) but for fun and the hopes of training others one day just for fun.

I encourage everyone to think about an activity that they love and get back into it (if physically possible now). Or even think of things you want to try and just do it.

That’s my speech. lol.

very inspiring sir…

i myself have gotten fat and lazy from my nait expereience and have already set out a running work out plan that i shall instigate after this first week of work… as working graveyard shift i think its especially important to keep healthy and happy as due to the lack of sun and what not… but reguardless

Conrgatulations and i wish you the best in your endeavours …

Steve where do you workout? I was thinking about starting.

Mike Miles National Kickboxing way on the west end they actually moved literally right beside Garage Works back in Nov/Dec 08. They have a weight room and also teach Muay Thai and Brazilian Jujitsu classes.

Brazilian Jujitsu…now that just sounds bad ass… is that kinda like wait for the butchery caporera? the brazilian dance fighting?

Its a form of submission martial arts. Pretty cool, but I don’t care for wrestling around on the ground and arm baring or leg locking someone. To me its boring as hell to watch and just not that fun to train. Most UFC fighters have training in it as well. I much prefer watching and training in striking martial arts…but that’s just me.

Mines been going on since 06 when i graduated!
stopped talking to all my friends and blew up like a balloon :frowning:
i have lost ALL my friends and when i say all i mean ALL not a single one left…
just me and my girlfriend…
and im sick of it!
ive become so lazy and so anti social that i was even considering not coming to the meet tonight…
but this is the end of it… i told my self last night its time to snap the fuck outa this and make some new friends,
i need to get out of the gutter im in :frowning:

Im glad you will be out. I went thru the same man. Im still a hermit. lol. I mostly just get out to meets and make sure I go to as many as possible to get out.

Interesting, do you know why you lost all your friends? Was it due to circumstances you had control of? The reason I ask is because I HAD friends and they disappeared because of their GFs. And their GFs not liking us as their BF’s friends. And because of that, he disappeared and sided with the pussy :smiley:

But I am glad that you are coming out and going to finally introduce yourself to the rest of us :smiley: Look forward to meeting you.

Will you fag :stuck_out_tongue:
I’ve been your friend since highschool <3

Bringing the silly out tonight? You better!

haha well its hard to explain lol… lets just say you know what im talking about…

the bottom line is the majority of the people i thought were my friends really arent…/ weren’t.
turns out alot of people just dont like me i guess? haha

and sanj dont you and i have been friend dude. we are acquaintances, we dont hang out again thats probably my lack of social skills at play again or cause your friends dont like me so i wouldnt want to be in that environment anyways.

the only time anyone ever calls me or w.e. is usually just cause they want something.

i.e. ryan who would call me at 3 in the morning for a ride to calgary so he can party with his friends…
which by the way me and ryan are no longer friends either hahaha

so yah i dont know… im just sick of being the guy who sits at home every day with his girlfriend at age 21 and has no friends…

its quite the turn around from highschool for me. but meh lifes gotta change sometime right…
and ill be out tonight more than likley in the aristo.
the sil will be out in a few weeks.

Damn that sound like me at your age. Start breaking that cycle now man or it will drag you down more. Oh and GF are welcome to join the cruise. Most of our GF/wifes don’t because they think were retarded for driving around and get bored fast. hahaha.

haha my girl is the same yet she loves the meets * shes more excited for the meet tonight than i am but thats cause i cant drive my car :frowning: *

she just wants other girls that she can talk to you know. she needs some company haha

I always tell you to give me a shout when your free;
I have called when Ive been in your area, with no answer, and none of my friends hate you, people grow up, life is too short to hate, but always long enough to discrimate

Steve, I know where you are coming from. I’ve had quite a few injuries (MCL, Hamstrings, Shoulder…) that kiboshed my training bringing me back to square one. I’m not gonna lie, it’s exhasperating and fustrating seeing people that you have trained with quickly surpass you while you are retraining your injued limb to be functional again. Just gotta keep up with it and keep pushing yourself. I’m lucky that I never really stopped when I got injured. I was always invloved somehow.

On a feel good note I squatted 175 the other day, breaking my all time personal best. I was quite excited.

Congrats on your record. I just let the best of me get taken over

Went back to my first class tonight. It was good. Shins are a little bruised. But overall a great re-start. All I know is I am tired and need some sleep. lol.

It’s funny how most people seem to go through these down swings, but the thing to remember is that the only way to go is up. I myself have had several down swings whether it’s watching your best friend wither away and die in front of you because of cancer, or to find out your friend hung himself in his basement because he couldn’t hack it. Or someone you needed to say something to, and you come to find out they’ve died before you could say it and being stuck with it for the rest of your life. Had to put down my dog last Thanksgiving which tore both my wife and myself apart, and lost my job 2 months ago. Wow, how depressing. Fuck it! All I try to do is think of the things and people that are still a part of my life, and try to be thankful for it. I guess what I’m trying to say is to try to look towards the positive side of things even though the negative seems so much more overwhelming. I’ve come to realize life is what you make it, as cheesy as that sounds.

Sorry if this doesn’t make sense, just worked a 13 hour shift and I’m a little loopy:ack2:. But I can sympathize with you guys, and just know your not alone.

i recently “woke up” out of that whole never talking to my friends/sitting around with the gf all the time, and boy oooooh boy ahah…life is soooo much better now, i still have a few friends who are still doing the whole gf hermit thing and wow are they miserable. i just started answering my phone when my friends call and not bailing on them when they want to hang out even if i think its going to be lame( which it usually isnt). haha believe it or not i was inspired by the movie “yes man”… so i know that was a shitty story lol, but there is a little piece from me…i know there are alot of people who know what im talking about, and trust me stop ignoring your friends…you will be way happier. and by the way you dont have to ditch your girl either…maybe she is stuck in the same rut as you were…

“Yes Man” was a great movie. I watched it Christmas Day actually. lol.
As for the “rut” people get in. It’s very common for couples to get into that. You just have to encourage eachother. But easier said then done. :slight_smile: