Getting Rid of HICAS, FOREVER!!!

Hey everyone what’s up.

First let me give a BIG thanks to Two4Tchaz here on SON’s for getting all of the information on this. He provided me with the COMPLETE wiring diagram’s for the 240. So because of him, I have NO HICAS anymore and the best part is it only took under 30 seconds to do.

Well here we go. Go to the fuse panel inside the car on the driver’s side and remove the cover. Now using the fuse cover as a guide look at the left colum, bottom fuse, marked ELECTRONICS. That’s the fuse you pull out. We used the wiring diargrams to trace it and make sure nothing else affected. So pull it and bingo, no more HICAS.

Now pulling the fuse also makes your cruise control no longer work but to get rid of the HICAS system, I can live with that. Considering I never used it anyways. :lol:

The fuse is directly connected to the Hicas Contro Unit so by removing it, the system think’s there is a problem and it locks up and no longer turns the rear wheels.

So that’s it. Again thanks to Chaz for helping me with this.

Take care all.

Easy 8)

And you didn’t know this?

What the hell… It’s common sense you dolt…

And BTW even though HICAS doesn’t electronically engage, enjoy the incredible amount of flex and slop comming the HICAS rack that is still in your car.

You have effectively made your car worse at handling… congrats…

Actually no I did not! The car handles great. It’s soooo much better now. Just b/c cars are built the same does’nt mean they will all respond the same when things are done to them. Can you grasp that?

Plus when friends have driven my car with hicas not working, they like me, had no problems what so ever and loved it!

So make sure you know your shit before posting a response like that. Makes you look like a dumbass kid who knows nothing but what happened with your own car or a friends. Also being new here and calling someone name’s won’t get you far! Grow up!