Hicas lock

Does anyone know someone or somewhere that locks Hicas if so could you tell me where and how much if you know

the hicas on my car was turned off by the previous owner, but i think he just pulled a fuse, which i’m sure wasnt the best solution

I know stillen makes a 300ZX kit.

It’s not too hard to fabricate your own eliminator bar.

RIPS makes a kit for my car, its 300CAD shipped. Maybe it will fit a 240, who knows.

Making your own would be the cheapest/quickest way to do it.

Hey it’s just a fuse that you pull out. It’s in a panel located right beside the clutch pedal, I think its 15A or 10A, It’s the fuse for the Cruise Control which takes out hicas as well. There are 2 rows, if I remember correctly, it’s the 2nd fuse from the bottom on the left column. (facing you)

With hydraulic HICAS (240 + 300 + R32) you CAN pull the fuse, but that’s not the PROPER way to do it… you can still get slop.

The proper way to do it is bolt a bar in where the pump goes, and attach the existing ends to the “lock bar”, and remove all of the lines.

On an R32, proper hicas removal can save you 21kg. Dunno bout the 240SX though.

best proper way to do it is spend $50 on a subframe and 4hours swapping them… done deal.

^ word

or get the SPL hicas subframe to non hicas subframe conversion

your for only…

$442 us fucin d.

i keep forgetting you guys have that option. :cry:

Or you can pull the fuse marked ELECTRONICS from the panel located inside the car on the drivers side.

True it’s not as good as a full lock up kit but, I’ve had no problems at all. :smiley:

Pulling the fuse is like a controlled malfunction as far as the system is concerned… it still randomly buggers up.