GF owns guy on Acurazine

I think you and hotwheels missing the point that Krazy was trying to make. A lot of people just sleep around and produce babies, thus equaling ‘scumbags’ (not a term I’d use, but whatever) cause kids with those kinds of parents USUALLY don’t really have any good role models and SOMETIMES (not always) end up being less productive citizens (see inner city). Lots of keywords in there. Everyone is different, but these are generalizations. Inner city isn’t just about lack of wealth, it’s also about kids living in broken homes, etc. etc.

There are plenty of people, adults, who just made a mistake but end up working it out and everything is fine. The kids and them live happily ever after.

See Akira’s post above…

You can’t possibly say that rampant marrying and then divorcing is good for anyone. If you don’t want to get married, fine. Don’t. If you do and then divorce, it only ruins a lot of things for the kids IMO…but then again I’m pretty old fashioned. Splitting time between parents? Sleeping at one house for a week and then another house another week? WTF is that shit? You think that’s healthy for a kid? You don’t think a kid would grow up more wholesome if the parents actually lived together and cared for one another? You know what happens between a lot of divorced couples…they hate each other and then the kid is caught in between the constant bickering over this and that. I work with a couple of divorced people, I hear all of the stories.

Sure, if you divorce and you’re a great dad, that’s awesome. More power to you. But what if your ex-wife is holding a grudge and makes your life miserable (I know a couple like that - kids don’t know who to trust because one is always talking about the other behind their back)? Don’t you think some of that negative aura (or whatever you wanna refer to it as) is going to affect your child? I’m sure your kid will catch you on a bad day if you just had a spat with your ex over something having to do with the kid (pick up/drop off time, etc.).

This isn’t about divorce as much as it is with people just f’in around.