gf/wife cheating...

You mean Connery.

Hefner is in a whole another league.

I’ll admit that I don’t need a relationship, but it’s nice having someone to do my laundry, cook me food, and buy me stuff.

Kind of off topic but my father didn’t marry my mother until he was 40.

if your gf is fucking another girl when you aren’t around and without your permission, it’s cheating. i personally would never allow a g/f of mine to fuck another girl without me around.

and if your g/f admits to cheating on you with a girl, she is also fucking other guys, don’t be stupid.

I agree. Ive never been the type to ‘need’ anybody else. In fact I think Im better off alone.

JESUS your so fucking negative it makes me SSick

EHh some woman are just as bad they just don’t admit it to themselves, woman justify sex with relationships. Then can’t figure out why they never work. If you want to bang just bang.

People call woman who fuck around a lot etc sluts,whores etc… Do i find it attractive? No not really but I dont give a fuck to be honest, fuck who and however many you want, just dont give meh herpes. I wont judge a girl who’s had a lot of partners, its girls that are reckless about it that are dumb.

As far as woman on woman cheating… Eh if a girl fuck around on another girl for fun, dumb idea at a party etc… I don’t think thats a big deal, if its an ongoing thing though and has some “emotional” investment in it I guess, then thats where it becomes a problem.

Is that a fact? If she asked you before she did anything whats the big deal?