I told the people in the office, and they said they’d look at it.
Never showed up, any of the times I’ve told them.
What should I do?
My mantle is coming off the wall…my walls are cracking, my door doesn’t even sit right anymore I can’t even lock it half the time!
There’s probably a 1/4 in. gap around part of my doorway because it sits on a slight angle now…and they aren’t even coming to loko and see my concerns.
As you can see in the pictures, theres cracking in a few places, and some huge deep lines going down the middle of some walls, and on the other side a line in the same spot.
that could be just a bad plaster job. come look at my house, its over 100 yrs old. some of my walls have those like ghost cracks in em too, when i re paint a room, just have to do some plaster work
They will not do anything,and justin…if the door is cock eyed then the wall are sagging n shifting. Either it is because of the extra weight of snow this year and it was going anyway or it could also be that because it is so old or else u have a mine or ground problem. What city is it in and does the owner have mine subsidence insurance?
you actually can fix it your self and deduct the cost from your rent before you pay it. or you can refuse to pay rent until it is fixed with in a resonable time frame. my sister is a land lord and said you can do it with no recoil. all you gotta do is write a letter to the owner stating what you want done or will do with pics, and have it notorized, and keep a copy on file. and if that don’t work call a building inspector. the “textured” walls are usually there to cover something up.
FYI… He lives in the ghetto. Literally in the middle of the ghetto. There was a shooting or two directly outside his apartment. This isn’t a Pittsburgh “Ghetto” we are talking about here.