Religion is for suckers
Yes it is based on a religious stand point but I can’t say I don’t believe in them. I just have my own theory of when/how/why they might appear and who might appear. I just wouldn’t call them Ghosts. More like spirit.
And don’t say religion is for suckers. You are entitled to your opinion as am I, but I would HATE to find out that I was wrong (by not believing in something other than the world I live in) when it was all said and done. My thing is…better safe than sorry. I’ll believe in what I want to believe in. You do the same.
We’ll just leave it at that :). I don’t care to take this any further. I got hated on at another forum just because I was Christian. No need for any of that on here.
everyone is entitled to their beliefs
Well, to be really safe you’d have to believe in every god out there, just to cover all your bases. Would suck if you believed in Jesus all this time only to have Shiva or Ra fry your ass.
WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT… you have a girlfriend?
Beanie is banging Paul?!
epic pic placement
LOLZ. Paul swallowed Beaniez!
Hmm this religious talk reminds me of when I watched wife swap with the girl the other day
1 family was hardcore atheists… had a stripper pole i nthe middle of the room, partys every night, kids had mowhawks, 13 year old girl was a slut etc…
Other family was black catholic extremists…
Lets just say it was a hillarious episode and I couldent stop laughing at watching an atheist take everything away form the catholic family, and the “big momma” as she asked to be called try and force god into their lives…
I’m not a religous person by any means, I think church and the bible are both scams written and kept to frighten people into doing what the church wants and giving the church your money (im not talkking just abotu todays church) The bible was not written by christ himself but was based on people who knew jesus and people who wrote journals, and then the church sat around and decided what they wanted in the bible and what they dident want.
I belive in a higher being, weather that be god, alah, buddah whatever. Maybe its no god I don’t know but I choose to belive in a higher being. With that being said, this bring me to my other point why i think the curch is a scam, they tell you that you need to go to church to repent and whatever else but then say god is almighty and can hear and see what your doing thinking etc… well then why the fuck do you need to go to church if go can hear you repent while your giving your morning sacrifice to the porcaline gods?
All that aside, ghosts/spirts same fuckin thing, they get thrown around in the same context so much theres no differance to most people anymore.
I have no problem discussing religion with people and I dont try and make people belive their religion isnt true, but i will state my opinion. I am a very open minded person.
The church is more than just about giving it your money. Do you know how many homeless people/other support they provide to their local communities? Shelters can’t do everything, that’s where churches come into play. Yes, I agree that some churches/leaders put too much emphasis on being physically in church (a lot of the elders in my church feel that way), but you can’t compare a pentecostal or baptist church to a catholic or lutheran church. It’s a totally different ball park. You have to be careful of which church you get in to. All of them are NOT the same.
You have to pick the one that you think gives you the best chance of getting the reward that all religions strive for. I do think there are some false religions out there.
Also, as far as modern religions go (such as pentecostal, baptist, charismatic, catholic, etc. NOT talking about islamic extremists who feel that blowing everyone up is the way to salvation), you have to admit that other than a few bad apples such as the Phelps family, people who have a faith are overall/as a whole better citizens when it comes to caring for and taking care of their neighbors and town members. They seem to have more respect, etc. This is not to say that people who don’t acknowledge a higher power are all cranky, quick to start altercations/brawls, immoral, etc. but just something I’ve noticed.
Just my $0.02.
I think there should be a religion thread made. However, it should not be made if it’s going to get out of hand and cause hate toward one another.
we decided this WASN’T going to be a religion thread, remember?
now stfu
omfg :facepalm
I can’t help but to reply. Sorry lol.
Anyway. Back to regularly scheduled programming.
I’ve always thought I believed in ghosts/spirits, but I’ve never had any physical proof.