GI: 9/20/08 - NYIRP Track Rental

Find a trailer, I’ll tow it pussy lmao.

i might just rent one from uhaul and tow it myself with the new truck :pimp:

quick question, terry. what if its raining on the date the rental is?

count me in, ill get drag radials by then

It happened once a few years ago and we just delayed it for a few hours so the track would dry out. If that’s not possible and it rains all day then we’ll work on rescheduling it but that all depends on what dates they have open.

ok cool, can we pay on the date of the rental when we get there like last year?

That will be an option but I’m debating on doing a pre-registration thing too that’ll save you a few bucks. In years past if we were a bit short on numbers Bob said it was fine. With the new track owner’s that isn’t going to happen so pre-registration will give me a better chance to have a feel for the numbers we’ll have.

what time is this going to be going on 10am or something different

Just got the final details today…will be posting an “official” thread here this weekend with all the details. However it will go from noon till 6.

bump for final details.

Gonna throw a quick website together tomorrow with all the details however it’s going to be $50 a car and will be from noon till 6.

Great news Terry, I’ll definately be there… hopefully i’ll have enough time in the next couple weeks to really dial the Cavy in, I’m really hoping to run 25-26psi on race gas by then :slight_smile:

ugh i’ma miss this. sucks i had a blast last year Terry. My motor won’t ship until after this so good luck boys and be safe!

tires plz? :slight_smile:

Official Thread:

Mods: A lock on this thread would be nice. :slight_smile: