who is interested in a nyirp track day?

well, i need to get back to the track and i refuse to wait in mile long lines for 3 hrs in between runs so i want to set up a track rental which will end up being on a friday afternoon. Unfortunatly there are no weekends available for obvious reasons.

Slicks/DR’s cars prefered and street tire cars prefered to drive around water box. Will be single lane rental unless theres enough interest. Im hoping for a minimum of 10 cars.

Im gunna shoot for either the 21 or 28 of august. as long as either is available.

When does Terry have his semi-private days? I think it was last year about this time. Maybe just jump on with him to save yourself some money?

I’d think about it.

I would be in. How long isthe rental for?

idk, im trying to accomplish this within the next couple weeks. If i can get close to 10 guys im gunna reserve it. Its not about the money. If there is any track rentals already i am all ears.

I’m down if they look the other way for safety equip…

5hr session, figure like $60 per car. The price isnt bad considering what you get. You will be able to run 100x if you realy want to. The best chance anyone will have to dial in there car.

It’s not too bad if you catch it on the right day. I went about 3 weeks ago on a Friday and could practically keep running as much as I wanted…when we went out on Weds as the big group it was a different story.

They tend to be more relaxed on private days from previous experiences. I cant garuntee that though if shits rediculous.

yea, i dont even wanna chance it. I dont want some pos redneck idiot spilling his car all down the track and me having to wait for clean up and such. ricers doing burnouts in the box on street tires and crap. im trying to avoid all that nonsense.

Possibly interested with one other bike if I can sort out a small hiccup. I want to see what my bike pulls now before getting rid of it. And yes I go around the water box.

I’d probably be in

if i could get a new rear axle put together id be up for it. i gotta find one first though.:frowning:

Probably in, i have drag radials on my car

I do burnouts in the pitbox with my street tires and my ricer car :lol:

but only a small one

I’d be interested, but I cant drive for like 4-6 weeks

Have a link for req saftey gear? I have a helm and extinguisher, but no cage or such.

what times do you plan on runnin?

friday i got about 9 runs in could have did alot more

No idea what kind of numbers. Will be its first time at the track for me.
Just a cammed lt1 with bolt ons -.-

I just want to get used to shifting it wot really.