GI: 9/20/08 - NYIRP Track Rental

A lot of you guys came to my track rental last year and had a blast. Wasn’t going to do it again this year with the management changes at NYIRP but a lot of the locals have been pushing for it so I figured what the hell.

This rental will have 2 lanes open which from what I understand has been rare with rentals this year. Prices went up a decent amount but without Bob there it was hard to get any slack.

Their pricing structure is retarded so it’s going to be impossible to get a set price until we know the exact number of cars that show up. Might make things difficult but I can work it out.

To give you guys an idea on price:

20 cars: $70
30 cars: $60
40 cars: 52.50
50 cars: $46

That price may go down a bit as I’m looking into something. As far as number of cars go last year we had 35ish. Right now I have close to 25 guys committed to going and only a handful were there last year. To be honest if you guys represent like you did last year 50 should be an attainable number of cars. And don’t worry…even with 50 cars you won’t be waiting in staging lanes. Last year with 35 there was a decent amount of down time on the track.

Basically I need to know who’s in this year? I want to get a rough number of cars since the prices changed a bit and go from there. 90% sure this is a go but I wanted to make sure the interest was there before sending in my deposit.

Last year was great :tup:

ill probably go.

last year was a blast… ill have to check the weather outlook :)… lol…

maybe…just maybe…

Word. Same here. Getting 20+ runs on the bike is awesome.

I would be in for this

Sweet…glad to see some interest. I’m wishing the price structure wasn’t so retarded so I could nail down the price but this place is impossible. I’m working on a few things that might make it a bit easier though.

well, i just payed 60$ per car for my last track day for only 1 lane. So a few dollars more and some friendly grudge racing isnt bad either.

You know I’m in Terry… almost everyone from 607 Motorsports plans to attend so it should be a great time!

i would be down for this

I would be down but must know in advance!

i hope i can get my :tspry: by then

I will be in.

Will know for sure on the price by the end of the week at the latest…the deposit will be going out tomorrow or Thursday. We are on the calendar for the 20th though so that will not change and at this point will be happening for sure.

fuck this is tempting, but my tranny says otherwise

you have AAA?

finish the season with a bang paul!

no i dont have it :frowning:

if i did i would be there.

you have time. this is a month away. you can have aaa gold before then.:slight_smile:

Hopefully i’ll be able to have the Cavy tuned in a bit more and the boost turned up by this track day. I also need to get some damn front tires on it since the current ones are homemade slicks :burnout: